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"My lawyers have taken care of everything and she'll never bother us again. She didn't get a damn cent and she is facing legal charges for harassing you."

"I-" he cut you off by placing his head in your lap. Out of habit your hands went to his hair and soothed the back of it. So much was happening so quickly and you were finding trouble in keeping up.

"Just come back to me, I'll take care of you." He wouldn't move his head from your lap as a different waiter came into the room and placed your food down before scurrying off again.

"Harry please sit back down," you urged him and unhooked his arms from where they latched onto your legs. He stood up and sulked back to his seat; you had never seen this side of your domineering business man and you didn't know how to tread with him like this.

"You look beautiful." His comment was lightly passed on as you both ate quietly and a bright, heated blush spread over your cheeks.

"Thank you, you look nice." It was the normal niceties that were exchanged over dinner that made you a bit more comfortable as you focused on the now and not the past.

"Do you want to come over?" You swallowed your wine quickly before you spit it out.

"I don't think that is a good idea, I should really be getting back to Marvin's soon. Him and Sue will wonder if I am out too late." He must have known where you were living for he scowled at you.

When you had said it was all over you had given him back everything he had ever given you. The clothes, the jewelry, your apartment, the car, the phone and computer. You didn't want any of the memories that came attached with all of those items, it would only make things more difficult to cope with. You had gotten your old car back and moved in with old family friends until you were stable on your feet.

"They won't mind if you call them." He took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to you. You gulped and dialed the familiar number; it went to voicemail so you just left a quick message and gave Harry his phone back.

The rest of dinner passed quickly and soon Harry was signing the check and wrapping his arm around your waist as he led you out of the restaurant.

Valet grabbed his car and pulled it up to the front. Harry opened your door and you got into the familiar setting as he jumped into the drivers side.

He drove above the speed limit until he reached his home. Your mind was all over the place as you got out of the car and walked up to the door with him. You didn't know what to expect when you walked in and a part of you was worried what you would see.

A part of you had known when you accepted Harry's dinner invitation that you would see a broken man. You knew he wasn't doing well and it broke your heart to know that you were the cause of it.

As he opened the door it revealed a clean house and from the looks of it some of the furniture had been replaced.

You toyed with your hands as he turned the lights to low and led you upstairs.

"Let's get you into something more comfortable." He rummaged through his closet and pulled out your favorite shirt of his. The crisp white dress shirt looked to have just been pressed not too long ago as there was no sign of wrinkles anywhere on the fabric.

You took it from him and turned to go to the bathroom to change but his hand caught your arm and held you where you were.

"I'm pretty sure we've seen each other naked."

"I'll only change in here if you close your eyes." He laughed but did as you asked as you got out of your dress. You buttoned up his shirt and folded your clothes before telling him he could open his eyes back up.

As you were placing you clothes on his dresser his arms wrapped around you from behind and you were pulled into his chest.

"I miss you," he buried his face in your neck and kissed lightly at the skin there. You moaned lightly as he sucked harder but wiggled out of his grasp.

"We can't do this," you didn't sound too convincing and he seemed to have picked up on it as he pulled you into his chest again.

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