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"Do you really think he loves you?" It was astounding how such beautiful people could be so vile. "You are a fool if you think he does."

You didn't know how to react as she stormed her way into your apartment and chucked the vase that rested on the table to the floor. It was obvious that this woman was not in her right mind as she stormed up to you.

"You're just a whore to him. Someone to pass the time with; we'll work things out. He'll come running back, he always has." It took all you had in you to not smack her across the face but instead you took the higher road.

"Get out of my home or I will call the police and have you taken out by them." You stood your ground as she laughed maliciously. You thought you were going to be sick to your stomach as her manicured finger pointed itself right in your face.

"Leave yourself. I will make his life a living hell while you're in it. I don't care if he has the best lawyers in this damn country, I will burn him to the ground with what he's done to me. Leaving me for a little girl who wants to play dress up in the big world? You are nothing sweetheart but a good fuck at the end of the day to him."

"Get the fuck out now." You didn't dare let her see that you were scared about how she would probably go through with everything she has just said.

"You know I'm right. You're doubting that ring on your finger right now, I can guarantee it."

She left you with those words, slamming the door in her wake. Your hands were shaking as you grabbed your head in your hands.

Never have you once had a confrontation such as the vile one just bestowed upon you and you were both physically and mentally drained from it.

Maybe she was right, she was married to him for years. She knew him better than you did and you were engaged to the man!

You picked up the phone and rang his number, tears threatening to leak out of your eyes as you waited for him to pick up.

"Hi kitten," his deep voice greeted you and you broke out into sobs. "What's wrong?" His voice became more frantic as you didn't answer right away.

"I don't think I can marry you." You heard him stop moving on his end and it was as though your heart stopped beating.

~End of Flashback~

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