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Harry's fingers dug into your back as he took in the mans words. You shifted uncomfortably and placed your hand on his shoulder in hopes of consoling his anger. He glanced down at you and retracted his fingers from their place in your back.

He spat out to the man an 'it's fine' and you both walked away. Since Harry was the one donating to the company you both got to sit at the head table; he was speaking so at one point of the night you would be alone which now frightened you. Why was there always a crazy ex thrown into the mix.

"Harry, what if she comes at me?" You asked him as you both reached your table and sat down. You were the only one's there so far so you could talk freely for the time being.

"I'll take care of it, don't you worry." He leaned in and gave you a kiss but pulling away as fast as he started. You heard a screech behind you and turned around to see a beautiful woman standing 10 feet away with a glare on her face that was pinned at you.

"Didn't you say the divorce was mutual?" You whispered as she came straight for you both. He nodded his head and stood up before she got too close to you. You too stood up and hide behind Harry as his hands were raised in front of himself.

"How could you?" She yelled and a few people around you stopped their conversations and stared at the confrontation that was about to do down. She ran around Harry and looked at you like a mad woman; you had no time to react as her palm came flying across your face.

You were stunned and a few people gasped. Your eyes lids fluttered as the stinging sensation didn't leave but intensified as you placed your own palm over the area.

You were convinced the woman was crazy. You didn't dare say a thing as you watched Harry turn red. He grabbed her hand and glared at her.

"Don't you dare make more of a scene. We'll talk outside; stay here."

You watched as he leaded her through the crowd and away from you. You excused yourself from the table and walked over the powder room. You thought back to the time where he had told you that you were the other woman and how he almost lost you.


"I want you here." Harry said as he looked around at the new apartment. It was beautiful with its high ceilings and its large arched doorways. Of course the walls would need to be painted a different shade and furniture moved in but you thought a place like this would come together nicely.

"I can't let you do this you know. I like the place I that I live in now anyways." You had told him as you touched the countertops and looked over your shoulder. It was too much and you couldn't ask that of him.

"You'll be closer to me and anyways I want you out of that neighborhood, it's very dangerous at night and I need to make sure my baby girl is protected."

You thought over what he had said and you had to agree that the neighborhood you lived in was a very dangerous area.

"I don't feel comfortable with this Harry." There you said it; he was always buying you things that you so much glanced at, how could let him buy you an expensive place to live?

"Give us a minute," he barked to the realtor that was standing impatiently by the door. The man nodded and walked out of the place and left you two alone. You didn't turn to face him because soon he was turning you around and grasping your face in his large hands.

"Why are you being like this? I want to do this for you, I care about you so much so please let me." Before you could reply his lips came to lay over yours and nibbled on your lip for entrance that you immediately gave access to.

You felt his free arm come around your waist and pull you closer to him. You ran your hands down his chest and moved them to his shoulder blades, pulling him closer. You could feel his slightly hardened member against your leg and it made you even more wet than the make out session was.

Before Harry you had been in a few relationships but none were as sexually diverse than this one. You were not one with too much experience but he had introduced you to so much in so little time that all you wanted was more.

He broke away leaving you to pant for air; he ran his finger tips down the side of your face to down the side of your neck, leaving a flutter in you tummy in his wake. He leaned down and placed his lips against your ear ever so gently.

"As much as I want to fuck you against this wall and have every one of your neighbors have my name imprinted in their ears, I really don't think the man waiting outside would be pleased. Don't worry though baby girl I'll make sure that you scream pretty loud. Ugh this is making me hard, I love it when you defy me."

He pressed another lingering kiss on your neck and broke away before shooting you an easy smile along with a wink. He left the room and went to go find the realtor while you still tried to get your thoughts together. If you weren't wet already you sure were now.


"So you move in the 5th of November, which is just in time for the trip I'm planning..." Harry's voice drowned out as you sat on his bed wrapped in his arms. Both of you were sticky and sweaty from having sex but it didn't matter as his hand ran up and down your back.

"I love sex with you," you murmured as you felt his hand go under the covers and caress your bum. He flipped you both over so that he was on top.

"And I love you," you were stunned by his words; you had never said them to anyone so you choked trying to get them out.

"I love you too." You honestly did; he leaned down and buried his face in your neck as he thrusted into you quickly.

He whispered all the things he loved about you in your ear as he rocked his hips fast against yours.

"Oh," you moaned out as he hit your g-spot, making you tingle all over.

"Harder, I want you to fuck me harder," you ground up and he took your order and thrust harder and deeper inside of you.


"Don't, I want to hear my name." He said against your chest as his thrusts became slower and sloppier as you knew he was near his peak and you near yours as you could feel your walls clench around his length.

You both came crying out each others names and once again you were in the same positions as you were before.

"I have something to tell you." He muttered quietly to you.

You propped your chin against his chest and looked at him with wide adoring eyes. "Okay."

"I don't know how to say this without it being so terrible. I'm still married," he began and you immediately sat up and jumped out of his bed. You were horrified in honest.

"What? How- I can't, this is over!" You screamed and you desperately looked around for your clothes. "I can't do that to someone! I'm sending everything back to you, I don't want to ever see you again." You didn't look at his expression as you threw your clothing on and ran out of his room. You could hear his voice calling you back but you didn't stop until he was the one that grabbed your arm and pulled you to him.

"Stop! You aren't going anywhere, let me explain. I'm getting divorced; it's mutual, we both hate one another. We had been prolonging it but when I met you everything cleared up, I love you and I wouldn't dream of having anyone else."

~End of flashback~

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