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"I want you to come with me this trip." It was not spoken as a question more as a demand as it flew past his lips sharply.

"I can't go, I told you I have that party to go to for Marvin's daughter this weekend." You two were speaking over the phone and you could hear him sigh on the other end.

"Kitten, it was not a request. You will be at the airport promptly at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. I will have my driver pick you up and handle all of your luggage. Wear some of the new clothes I bought you. Oh and I'll have a surprise tomorrow for you."

You shook off your annoyance with him and told him you would be there.

"Good. Now get packed and get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be eventful for us." He hung up abruptly and you did as he had said.

You got down your suitcases and began to pack the basics first. You didn't know exactly where you would be traveling so you decided to text him, seeing that as the most efficient way due to him probably being in a meeting.

Where will we be going? I need to know for packing purposes. x

Not a minute later did you get a text back.

Pack for cold weather. H x

Vague but that would have to do for now. You got up from the ground and made your way over to your closet. You didn't know how many days you would be gone so it would be better to over pack than under pack.

You picked out your neutral cashmere sweaters and few coats. You pulled down a pair of black slacks and some pairs of tight dark jeans. For your shirts you picked your cream ruffled blouse, and a few other flimsy shirts. Scarfs were chosen and placed in along with your other clothes.

You moved over to the next rack to grab a couple dresses, knowing that Harry would want you presentable at all times.

Once you had gotten all of you main clothes squared away and the shoes you were going to bring right alongside the suitcase you moved to your dresser to get your bras and panties together.

You knew Harry was going to need some stress relief while on this business trip so you packed three sets of his favorite lingerie outfits and got the rest of your things put in the case.

You looked over to your wardrobe on the other end of your room and played around with the idea of bringing the items that rested in the untouched bag.

You decided to throw caution to the wind and bring the bag along as well. You went on over to the wardrobe and pulled the bag out quickly and placed it on the bottom of the case. You were nervous to see how he would react to what rest within it.

The rest of the packing time was spent crossing things off of your mental checklist and making sure you forgot nothing. All of your makeup, hair products, and other necessities were stored away in your second suitcase and you had switched out your purse to a more neutral one.

"Okay I think I have everything..." you spoke to yourself and looked around your room. Your eyes settled on your bed and you heaved yourself up to go lay down. You got settled and picked up your phone, deciding to call Marvin and tell him that you couldn't make the party this weekend.

It rang a few times until it went to voicemail.

"Hi Marvin, it's me. I am just calling to tell you I can't make Maya's birthday party this weekend. Some other things came up that I can't get out of. I will send her the present I got her; you don't have to call back. Have a great one."

You shut off your phone after the call and focused your gaze on the ceiling. You could feel the shift within you that Harry had brought out. He was slowly molding you to fit his ever expanding lifestyle and you were slowly becoming used to it.

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