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~6 Months Later~

As you sat across from him a thousand thoughts ran through your head. He looked different, more tired than he usually was.

"How have you been?" You asked him as the waiter placed your drinks on the table. His eyes shot up to meet your inquisitive ones and he shrugged nonchalantly. There was more to him than he was giving away.

You waited in silence as the waiter came back to take your order and began to flirt with you. He tried out a few corny pick up lines in which you politely laughed.

"Just do your job." Harry's voice across from you barked to the man and he scrambled to become professional once more. The entire time he was at your table Harry made it difficult for him and you just sat there quietly.

When he left you let out a sigh and stared at him for a moment before speaking up.

"You can't just do that Harry, he was being friendly. Besides we aren't together anymore."

"You don't think I don't know that!" He spoke harshly before looking away from you. You blinked heavily before taking a sip of your drink. You didn't know that having dinner with him, per his request, would be so stressful.

"You could have kept everything you know. You could have kept the ring." There it was, the underlying reason for his sour mood.

You reached across the table and picked up his lonesome hand. You ran your thumb over his knuckle and let out a long breath.

"It didn't belong to me, I think you know that." You saw a fierceness in his eyes as he retaliated back at you.

"Yes it did!" You thought back to the day he had given you the piece of jewelry and the way your heart swelled. Things were so different now between the both of you. 6 months apart was enough to get yourself back on your feet and try to figure out the entirety of this situation.


"I picked you up something today." There was something in his voice that you had never heard and it captured your attention.

He took your hand and pulled you to sit next to him on the bed. He reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a black velvet box. Your heart stopped beating for a moment when he opened it. A sparkling ring caught your eyes as it glittered in the lights.

He smiled at your expression and brought the back of your hand up to his lips. He pulled the ring out of its holder and rolled it around his fingers, watching you closely.

"Marry me?" Tears welled up in your eyes as you just stared at him. He grinned at your stunned form and leaned in close to you.

"You should just say yes." He joked and you nodded your head as he placed it on your finger. You grabbed his face in your hands and kissed him. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you both fell back upon the bed.

"I love you." More kisses were pressed to one another's lips and you cuddled onto his chest marveling at the ring he had chosen. It had to be more expensive then you could imagine with its cushion diamond and ultra thin band.

"We're going to get married." You smiled into his chest as his hand rubbed at your back softly.

"We are. I want to do it soon, I don't want to wait."

"Does this mean things change with us? Our relationship?" You couldn't but wonder if the way you had started your relationship would effect what would come for your future.

"We'll you could still call me daddy if you're kinky," he joked and you bat his stomach lightly. "We still love one another so that won't change anything kitten, I promise."

~End of Flashback~

"Harry I didn't come here to fight with you, I came because that was what you had asked of me to do."

"Come back to me." It broke your heart to hear him sound so broken but you shook your head and sat there in silence.

"I can't come back."

"I took care of Margret, she won't bother you anymore!" You looked at him confused as to why he would bring up his ex wife. He didn't know what happened... did he?

"What do you know?" You voice wavered as you let go of his hand and sat further back into your chair. The perks of Harry requesting the restaurants private room let talk flow freely between the both of you and you didn't have to worry about what was said.

"I know what she said to you, I know what she threatened you with." He stood up from his seat and fell to his knees in front of you. He picked your arms up and wrapped them around his neck. You were stunned and the entire situation with Margret hit you in the face at full speed as you thought back to that night.

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