Just A Non-Exsistent Memory

40 5 0

It's dark,

and cold.

Such a strange place, really.

Is it that hard to notice?

Yet again-

what differance would it make?

I'm alone,

stranded out here,

in the middle of nowhere.

Could someone rescue me?

Yet again-

it's not like they'd find me...

This rain is driving me crazy,

it makes me submit to tears.

The thunder,


makes me scared.

What else does God have

to throw at me?!

What more do I have to bare?

This pain is too much.

But soon,

it will turn to anger,

and on to hate.

That's what happens when

you think about things too long.

That's what happens when

you're alone,

and cold.

Too much time on your hands.



Woe is me.

People forget in time,

some do not.


maybe I'll give it...


It's not like you know...

not yet.

I'm not angry,

believe me.

I'm sad,


and alone.

I feel like the world is


like I'm endlessly falling.

I don't think anything

can help me.

I've thought about it, you know.



never waking up.

I wonder if it's painful,

death, I mean.

Would people miss me?

Cry to some extent?

What would happen?-

I'm not anyone special.

I probably would have done it,

by now...

if I didn't care so much,

if I didn't think someone needed to me.

If I wasn't afraid.

This corner,

in the dark,

is like a safe haven.

Closing my eyes,

I'll think,

not dream...

no- I never dream.

Because if I do,

it's always about you.

It makes me hope,

and it pains me so,

to know,

that in the morning,

it'll be crushed...

into dust.

Just a non-exsistent memory.

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