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it feels like I'm running out.

I'm alone,

and it's dark.

I don't think it's worth waking up.

This dream...

I hate it.

It's stupid really...

I got my chance...

and I threw it away...

The dream ends.

My happy place is gone now.

The darkness is no longer comforting.

I can't bear to say your namre-

for fear of crying...

It's painful...

watching you...

it wasn't much of a surprise when you fell in love again.

But somewhere indside...I knew...

It doesn't stop me from hurting any less.

A snoflake-

one in many...

that's what you remind me of.

You walk with your head down,

so reserved,

so calm...

unknowingly beautiful...


A snowflake-

you're the only one I want.

But I'm silent...

afraid of what you'll say.

I don't dare to speak...

so scared you'll look at me like the others.

Just another perosn.

Just a girl.

No one important.

I watch the snow fall quietly

from my window sill.

My eyes close-

I shake my head,

letting a small self mocking laugh escape my lips.

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