Authors Note

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Well, I don't even know where to start. Entangled is finally completed!!! I first started to write this story two years ago, and there was a point when I just didn't know where the story was going and I got a bit lost in it and a bit disinterested and basically I abandoned it.

And every time I'd come on Wattpad I'd look at it there in my drafts and feel a bit sad because I desperately wanted to finish it but I was just so unhappy with it. Then one day I just thought y'know what? I'm going to go through it all from the beginning and I'm going to change some things and I'm going to finish it no matter what, and now here we are.

I just want to thank every single person who has ever voted and commented and read my story you honestly have no idea how much that means to me. I started this story just as a bit of fun but now I love writing so much that maybe it's something I want to pursue as a career. And the fact that people on here like my writing has given me that push I needed to continue doing it. So thank you for that!

Also, just wanted to say thank you to the people who have been here since the very beginning. And who stuck with the story even when I went through a rough patch and abandoned it. You're the best, all of you are!

I'm entering The Wattys this year, honestly I don't really know how it works, like if it's voted by readers or Wattpad staff or whatever but your support either way would be really really appreciated!

I have so many stories in my drafts and I'll definitely be choosing one of those stories and continuing it so I'd love it if you could follow me so you can keep updated with my writing (if you want to of course)

Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling now. I hope that you all enjoyed this story and I hope you'll enjoy my future stories :) thank you again for all of your reads, votes and lovely comments <3

PS: if you have any questions about me or the story or anything, feel free to leave me a comment!

Lots of love,

Stacie x

PS: I'm thinking of self publishing this story as an ebook!! If you read this it would mean the world to me if you could leave a comment with a star rating (1 being the worst 5 being the best) and what you thought of the story. thank you so much!

Entangled | Zayn Malik Where stories live. Discover now