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It's been six months and I still don't think I'm quite used to my surroundings. In a way, not that much has changed. Just where we live and where we work, mostly. Instead of waking up in Crystal Hills - a place that didn't feel like home anymore - we're waking up in a beautiful little cottage in a beautiful little village surrounded by glorious scenery and dare I say it, happiness.

Instead of walking through the doors of Crystal Hills High School and having all of these awful memories hang over me like a dark cloud, I'm walking through the doors of Langbridge Institution. It's different and it's interesting and challenging and I love the fact that every day is different.

I also couldn't be more proud of Zayn right now. Six months ago was a terrible time for him. He was grieving for his family, and having to watch him every day not even having the will to get out of bed in the morning absolutely broke my heart. It was hard on both of us, but I had to be strong for him. It was the least I could do after all of the times he was strong for me.

I remember the turning point for him so clearly. It was a Wednesday morning, around 9am. I woke up to the sound of clattering in the kitchen, scared half to death because I thought someone had broken in. Then I turned around and noticed Zayns side of the bed was empty. Honestly, I was still in a bit of a panic. I stood up from the bed and put my dressing gown on and grabbed one of my old crutches, y'know just incase it wasn't Zayn and there were in fact intruders in the kitchen.

You should have seen his face when I crept into the kitchen with this crutch held out in front of me. At first he looked terrified, then he realised it was me and he burst into laughter. And oh god, I remember how happy I felt in that moment. It had been so long since I'd heard his beautiful laugh and I wasn't sure when I'd get to hear it again. I dropped the crutch without a word and rushed over to him and threw my arms around him, tears forming in my eyes. It may sound dramatic, and I guess it was a little, but honestly the pride and happiness I felt in that moment was so intense that I couldn't help it.

A few days later, Zayn started to see a therapist. At first he'd see him twice a week, but here we are six months down the line and he doesn't feel the need to go anymore.

One thing that has really helped Zayn with all of this is music. His music. He's been writing his own music and lyrics, recording covers and posting videos of them. He's gained quite a fanbase online and he's bagged a few local gigs, things are looking great for him and I know with his talent it's only going to get better.

I feel a whole range of emotions when I think back on this past year. It's still a bit surreal when I think about.

You know when something happens in your life - something big - and you just don't know how you'll ever get over it? And then six months, a year, five years down the line and there you are. Over it.

Maybe you're not completely over it, but you're definitely getting there. And you realise that this thing, this bad thing that happened to you, isn't your life. It's just exactly that. A thing. It's a bad thing that happened to you.

It is not you.

Do not let this thing define you, because you're so much more than that. I know it's easier said than done, but I can vouch for it. As I sit here, happy, with that pain inside of me down to a minuscule almost nothing. I know that I'll be fine, and you will too. Please believe that. Whatever you're going through, whatever happened to you, it's not YOU. It's just a thing that happened to you. And it will get better.

Guys. Oh my god. That was it. The very last chapter of Entangled!!! I'm so sad :((((

I'm gonna write a big authors note soon with everything I want to say in it so I hope you'll give it a read my lovelies x

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