Chapter Forty-Nine

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Zayn has gone out to get us some breakfast, neither of us could be bothered cooking this morning.

I laze on the couch for a few minutes in my dressing gown, before deciding that I should go for a quick shower before breakfast.

It's still quite early, not long after 9:30. I have an interview later today for a ward assistant position at Langbridge Institute. Not long after what we went through, Zayn and I handed in our notices at the school. There was no way I could step back into that place. Even the thought makes me shudder, the whole place will forever be tainted with betrayal and lies.

We'd been laying low for a while, months have passed and it's just recently that we're starting to properly get our lives back on track.

We've been thinking about moving, Crystal Hills just doesn't seem like home to me anymore. I feel myself constantly glancing over my shoulder anytime I'm out, even though I've no reason to do so.

Zayn sold any belongings he had from when he lived in the mansion, including his car. He made a decent amount of money from what he sold, and along with my savings, the possibility of getting our own place is looking greater each day.

I switch the shower on in the bathroom, before walking into my room to get the fresh towels from the laundry basket that I hadn't put away yet. Oh well, won't need to do that now.

As I enter the bathroom, the steam from the shower has already filled the room and fogged up the mirror.

I take off my dressing gown and throw it in the hamper in the corner. I take a look at my legs and notice that they could be doing with a shave. It's transitioning into winter now and I don't usually bother shaving in the winter if I'm honest. But for the first time in my life, I actually want to.

I open the bathroom cabinet to get some more soap and I spot Zayns shaving bag at the back of the cabinet. I'd prefer to use shaving foam on my legs rather than soap, so I pull the bag out and open it up to retrieve the shaving foam. My eyes fall on the small zip inside the bag, indicating a small pocket inside it. I notice something sticking out of it and my curiosity wants to know what it is.

I open the zip and I see fully now what it is. Two small, clear plastic bags. One is filled with white powder, the other has about 20 pills in it.

It's obvious what the powder is, so I pick up the bag of pills and examine them. Most of them look like ecstasy pills, but I'm unsure what the rest are.

I sit the bags down on the side of the sink and honestly, I'm in shock.

Do these belong to Zayn? Has he been taking drugs and I haven't even noticed? How on earth could I not notice that?

I hear the front door open and I freeze.

"I'm back!" Zayn shouts.

I quickly close the shaving bag and put it back into the cabinet, leaving the bags of drugs on the side of the sink.

"Won't be long, just finishing up in the shower!" I shout back.

"No problem babe!" He replies.

As I stand in the shower my mind is racing with questions. Do they even belong to Zayn? The way they were hidden makes me think yes.

I quickly jump out of the shower and dry myself, wrapping a towel around my body and one around my hair. I pick up the bags and take a deep breath before walking up the hall to meet Zayn in the kitchen.

He's sitting at the table tucking into his breakfast, mines sits across from him waiting to be eaten. I don't really feel particularly hungry anymore.

He smiles at me as I enter the kitchen. I take a seat at the table across from him, not really sure how to start this conversation.

I sit the two bags down in front of me and his face drops as he spots them.

"Are these yours?" I ask.

"What? No, of course not." He replies a little too quickly. I know he's lying.

"Don't lie to me." I tell him.

"I'm not." He says, I look him dead in the eye and I know for a fact he's lying to me.

Since we've been together I've noticed that whenever he's lying his right eyebrow raises just a bit, barely even noticeable unless you know what to look out for. Previous times he's lied haven't been serious one bit, it's been silly things like on Halloween "yes you look good in that pumpkin outfit" and then we both burst into laughter because I definitely did not. But this is serious, and I actually feel a sting of anger and hurt that he's lying to me.

"Fine." I reply with a straight face and irritated tone. I push my chair out with a loud screech and I walk out of the kitchen and up into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I don't mean for it to slam as loud as it does and I cringe as the loud noise seems to echo around me.

I sit for a few minutes, trying to calm down when there's a light knock on the bedroom door. I don't bother saying anything.

The door opens, "Kaya?" Zayn says, almost whispering, as he enters the bedroom.

I look up at him but don't say anything.

"I'm sorry." He says, sighing.

"For?" I reply, tone still clipped. I don't really mean for it to come out so harsh but it leaves my mouth before I even have a chance to think about it.

He takes a deep breath and walks closer to me.

"I haven't been truthful with you." He tells me and I look up at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm not the person you think I am."He tells me.

He runs a hand through his hair as he adds: "at all." And the way he says it sends a shiver up my spine.

FYI: this chapter has been completely changed and rewritten. So if you're maybe looking at the comments and wondering what the hell everybody's talking about, they're referring to the old chapter. Thought I'd just mention that 😂 keep voting and commenting please guys it means a lot!


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