Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Zayn. What are you doing?" I ask with a trembling voice as he cautiously eyes the knife in his hand.

"What I should've done a long time ago." He whispers.

This is part of a plan isn't it? Zayn would never hurt me. He loves me, right? Please god let this be part of some sort of plan.

He raises the knife slowly. His uncle laughs like a maniac in the background - his mind almost certainly not all there.

"Do it Zayn, do it! Cut the bitch up!" He shouts, eyes wide and frantic like he's on an acid trip.

"You're just like me Zayn, you know you are. I'm in your blood. We share the same genes, we're part of each other." He babbles on while Zayn just stares at me, still as emotionless as before.

"You hear the voices too, I know you do. Listen to them Zayn, listen to what they're telling you to do." His uncle encourages and my heart shatters and falls to the ground in a million pieces.

How fucking dare he say something like that to him?

"I will." Zayn says, his voice cracking.

In one swift movement he turns on his heels and lunges for his uncle, stabbing the knife straight into his chest.

"I'm nothing like you, you vile piece of shit!" He screams, removing the knife and plunging it into his shoulder.

The relief floods me like a tsunami - overtaking every inch of me and drowning me in all the emotions I've pent up since being here. I can't help the tears from pouring down my face as I start to hyperventilate.

His uncle screams out in pain, blood beginning to pour from his wounds. "You son of a bitch!" He chokes.

Zayn rushes over to me and cups my face - wiping away my tears. The tears are falling from his own eyes as he places kisses all over my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry." He rambles. "I love you. I love you so fucking much. We're getting out of here now, okay? You're okay." He says, moving his hands to the rope bounding my feet and untying it. All I can manage is a weak nod between my muffled, choked sobs.

From the corner of my eye I spot his uncle, screwing up his face in agony as he pulls the knife slowly from his chest. He's a wreck - blood spilling from him, body wavering about. But that doesn't stop him from reaching out for Zayn with the knife in his hand.

"Zayn, watch out!" I shout, just as Zayn is roughly pulled backwards by the collar of his t-shirt.

The knife is knocked from his uncles grasp and goes flying across the floor to the other side of the room.

I begin to thrash about, trying to knock my chair over so I can free myself. As I move I feel something scratching the bottom of my back. The matches!

I frantically try and reach them in my back pocket and I somehow manage to pull them out. I feel for the sandpaper-like surface and push the box open with my thumb. I try to pull out a matchstick and I curse to myself as it drops to the ground.

Zayn's uncle punches Zayn in the mouth and his lip starts to bleed. I try to ignore the ache in my heart because I need to get out of this chair and Zayn can handle himself.

Focus Kaya, focus. You can do this.

I try again to retrieve a match from the box and jackpot! I swipe it against the hard surface of the box and my hand rapidly begins to heat up.

"Fuck!" I curse as the flame catches onto the rope and begins burning it - also burning my hands in the process.

I try to ignore the pain in my hand and wait for the rope to dissolve completely. It only takes a few seconds and as soon as I can I whip my hands away from the flame, causing the burning rope to drop to the ground.

I bring my hands to my face to assess them and I thank god that they're still intact - with only minor burns.

I quickly snap back into reality and lurch forward on to Zayn's uncles back - covering his eyes and pulling him backwards.

"The knife Zayn! Get the knife!" I shout and Zayn scrambles to the other side of the room to get it.

Zayn's uncle's fist swings backwards, smacking me in the face and sending me falling back. I keep a tight grip on his neck, causing him to fall back with me and land on my broken leg.

"Shit!" I cry out and I'm sure I'm seconds away from passing out due to the immense pain taking over my body.

As Zayn runs back towards us, his uncle harshly kicks his foot - knocking Zayn's leg from under him.

Behind us is now aflame and rapidly spreading through the room - seconds from engulfing us.

I muster up every single ounce of energy left in my broken and battered body, and I manage to roll Zayn's uncle off of me and straight into the fire beside us.

The sleeve of his shirt catches flame and I ignore every ache in my body as I stand up and rush over to Zayn.

"C'mon! Now Zayn! We need to go!" I shout frantically and he grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. He pulls it open with a loud screech and slams it behind him, leaving his uncle in the burning room.

We run up the hallway, ignoring the pain trying to drag us down. The steel doors come into view and we run as fast as we possibly can to reach them.

"How the fuck do we get out of here?!" Zayn shouts, frantically searching the doors for some escape.

"Watch there aren't any more traps." I warn.

He bangs his fists on the steel doors and curses loudly.

"The keys." He says quietly, realisation seemingly hitting him. He takes a step back from the doors.


"The fucking keys. They're on the floor in the room. I can't believe this." He runs his hand through his hair.

"No no no no no." I say, burying my face into my hands because this can't be fucking happening.

"There must be another way out." I tell him.

"I don't want to risk pressing something on this door and then being trapped all over again." He says.

"I need to go get them." Zayn finally says and my panic levels go into overdrive.

"No way, no fucking way. You'll burn yourself alive!" I say, shaking my head.

"Kaya I need to. It's the only way out of here."

Deep down I know he's right. There is no other way. "I'm coming with you." I tell him.

"No way." He says.

"Zayn, I'm not letting you go alone."

"Kaya, listen to me." He puts his hands on my shoulders. "You can barely walk, you're hurt. I promise you I'll be quick and I'll be fine." He grazes his thumb over my cheek, placing a strand of hair behind my ear.

He sighs.

"But if you get the chance, make a run for it. If you can somehow open that door don't wait for me, okay?"


"Kaya listen to me, please. I love you. I'm so fucking in love with you and in such a short space of time, you've made me something I thought I never could be - happy." He says and tears brim my eyes once again, my heart aching.

"Zayn..." I say and he just shakes his head.

He takes my hands in his and looks up at me. "You're going to be okay, I promise you." He presses his lips to mine.

"I love you." He says, before dropping my hands and running back up the hallway towards the burning room.

I lift my finger to my bottom lip, slowly gliding it along the memory of him. But something feels off. It takes me a few moments but then I manage to put my finger on it.

I can't help but feel deep in my gut that that kiss was laced with a goodbye.

Disclaimer: there's a line near the end of this chapter that says something about dragging us down and I swear this was written before drag me down was released lmao! Just thought I'd mention that 😂


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