Chapter Forty-Four

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It's release day for us both, the day we finally face the outside world. Saying that I'm nervous would be a massive understatement - I am absolutely terrified.

We found out from the police that Zayns uncle was killed in the fire and that Madge and Mr Hedshaw had been locked up. Due to the amount of substantial evidence against all three of them, there was no need for Zayn and I to go to court. I don't know how I would have coped if we had to. I should feel something after being told that news - happiness, relief, anything. But I feel absolutely nothing.

We've also been warned that a lot of reporters have swarmed outside the hospital, desperate for an interview from us. The police have advised us to ignore them and told us that we would have escorts to guard us when leaving the hospital. I wouldn't dare sell my story to a reporter about what happened. The fact that people actually try to make money out of situations like this is absolutely sickening.

"This is it then." Zayn says, taking my hand in his and looking down at it.

"Back to reality." I sigh.

"We've been through much worse." He says, a small smile playing on his face and I can't help but smile back.

"Ready?" Clara asks, appearing in the doorway.

Zayn looks at me and gives me a nod before standing up from the bed and holding out my crutches for me.

I take one last look at the four walls surrounding me. These four walls where I furiously battled with my own thoughts and imagination, wondered, prayed and cried every night while I was here. These walls have seen a lot, I'm sure they'll be glad to see the back of me. I'll certainly be glad to see the back of them.

I take a deep breath as we walk out into the ward. Zayn and I's doctor, Hilda and a few other nurses that we've gotten to know during our time here are standing waiting for us. We give our massively grateful thank you's and we say goodbye.

"You two look after each other." Hilda says as we leave.

I give her a smile before the police escorts arrive to take us home.

I've mastered how to walk with only one crutch, so Zayn takes my free hand in his and we both take a deep breath before we head for the exit of the hospital.

Two police officers walk in front of us and one behind us, and I find myself thinking is this really necessary? Until the automatic doors open and a mob of people rush towards us, lights flashing from every angle. Zayn tightens his grip on my hand and the police officers move closer to us as we walk out into the horde of people.

"Zayn! Kaya!" A voice shouts.

"Zayn, did you know your uncle was a murderer?"

"Kaya, how does it feel to be betrayed by a friend?"

"Did staff at Crystal Hills High School know about this?"

"Step back!" One of the police officers shout and in one hectic blur, we're in the back of the police car with Clara in the front.

As we sit in the back seat my hands won't stop shaking. All of these people knowing my name, knowing what happened to me, it just makes me incredibly uncomfortable.

"It's okay." Zayn whispers, putting his hand on top of mine to stop me shaking.

We arrive at my house shortly after to my mum and dad standing at the front door waiting for us.

My dad retrieves our bags from the back of the car and takes them into the house.

My mum wraps her arms around me and gives me a tight hug.

"Welcome home sweetheart." She says.

"It's nice to finally meet you Zayn, I've heard a lot about you." She smiles and gives him a hug like the one she just gave me.

"And you, Mrs Greyson. I've heard a lot about you too." He smiles, kissing her on the cheek. What a charmer.

"All good I hope!" She laughs. "And please, call me Skylar."

"Good to see you again Clara." My mum moves on and hugs Clara next.

"And you dear." Clara smiles, hugging her back.

"Right let's get inside." Mum says, ushering us in.

As we walk through the door I feel something in my stomach - I'm not really sure how to explain it. It's like, comfortable and familiar and just wow I'm actually in my own home where I thought I'd never be again. The smell of dinner cooking fills my nostrils and my stomach rumbles, seemingly agreeing with my brain that it smells delightful.

"Welcome home kid." My dad says, pulling me into a hug.

"You must be Zayn." He says with a smile, extending his hand out to shake Zayn's.

"That's me, nice to meet you sir." He says, shaking my dads hand and I have to stop myself from laughing at the fact he just called my dad sir, such a polite bastard.

"Call me Tommy." Dad says.

"Clara, lovely to see you again." He says, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hi Tommy, and you." Clara says.

"Hungry?" My mum asks us. "Dinners almost ready." She says.

"Ravished." I say and everyone laughs before heading into the living-room, leaving Zayn and I in the hall.

"Drama queen." Zayn whispers in my ear with a smirk as he stands behind me, arms around my waist.

"Shut up." I say, swatting him on the leg.

"Whatever peg-leg." He says with a laugh.

"Listen, you'll be carrying me about until this heals so I don't know what you're laughing about."

He turns me round to face him and pulls me in for a kiss. "Fine by me." He says.

Mum and Dad made a lovely roast chicken with all the trimmings and it was absolutely delicious - the first proper meal I've had in god knows how long. Nobody brought up what happened to us and for that I'm very thankful - we'd rather just forget about it and try to move on.

"We'd better get going." Mum says after all the washing up is done.

"Yep, me too." Clara says with a yawn.

"We'll give you a lift." Dad says and Clara thanks them.

Zayn and I walk them to the door and say our goodbyes and then it's just the two of us.

He takes my crutch from me and holds me up as he sits it at the front door.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

He doesn't answer me, instead he just shrugs his shoulders and gently grips my thighs – picking me up and carrying me bridal style into the living-room.

I burst into laughter and bury my face into his neck and he joins in too.

"My girl needs to rest her peg-leg." He tells me as he sits me down on the couch.

He turns the TV on and sits down beside me. He places a cushion on top of his knees and then lifts my legs on top of it. I just watch on in complete awe and with a ridiculous smile on my face as I wonder how the hell did I get so lucky?

"You're alright, you know that?" I tell him, taking one of his hands in mine.

"I quite like you." I say.

"Good thing that, because I quite like you too." He laughs.

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