Chapter Thirty

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You know that feeling where you're sleeping, but you're not in a deep sleep? Your eyes are closed and your mind has somewhat shut down, but you can still hear things around you? You're still aware of your surroundings?

I don't know how long I've been here but my body has taken a battering. These things being injected into me are taking a toll on me and I feel tired and lethargic. Not to mention the amount of times I've been hit have caused my body to be in a massive amount of pain.

My eyes are closed but I can hear something. I listen intently to try and figure out what it is, but my brain doesn't seem to be tuning into it. My back feels cold and sore. I eventually snap open my eyes and I look straight ahead at the ceiling. It takes me a few seconds to realise how I can be looking at the ceiling when I'm tied to a chair.

And then it dawns on me that I'm not tied to the chair anymore. I still feel as though the ropes are tied tightly around my wrists and ankles but I look again and they're not.

I feel disbelief as I stretch my arms and legs out in front of me - wondering if I'm imagining this. I look around the room and realise the noise I heard is coming from the TV in the corner. There's an old black and white film playing quietly.

Reality seems to come rushing back to me as it actually sinks in that I'm not tied up anymore. My eyes dart across the room and Zayn is lying on the floor with his eyes closed, no ropes constricting him.

I rush over to him and immediately drop to the ground in front of him, head rush taking over. I begin shaking his body lightly, calling his name. I feel like I could actually cry at the fact I can touch him now. You never realise how much you take the small things for advantage until you can't do them anymore. Things such as a kiss, a hug, a simple touch.

"Kaya?" His eyes squint at me, confusion taking over. Suddenly his eyes widen and he quickly sits up and throws his arms around me.

"You're okay." He whispers, stroking the back of my hair and kissing my forehead.

I burst into tears and suddenly can't control the sobs escaping my body.

"Don't cry babe, please." He rubs my back trying to console me.

We stay there for a few moments - his arms wrapped around me. I want to stay in his arms and hide from the horrific events happening to us.

"Why've they untied us?" I ask when I manage to calm down.

"I don't know." He says, keeping his arms tightly around me.

"But this is good, right?" I say. "We can fight back now." He nods at me.

"I'm going to snap, Kaya. I can feel it in my bones. As soon as someone walks in here I'm going to lunge. I can't hold it in."

"Good, they deserve it. We need to do whatever we have to to get out of here."

He takes my hand and places a kiss on the back of it.

"We need a plan. Whoever comes in, they're it." He says and I nod, agreeing.

"I'll distract them." I say. "You sit over there, pretend you're sleeping or something." I tell him.

"Okay, but what if they try to do something to you?"

"I can handle that."

"I'll be right behind you if anything happens." He assures me.

A panel in the steel door that I didn't even know was there slides open and Mr Hedshaw comes into view.

Zayn immediately rushes forward to the door and Mr Hedshaw pulls back from the panel, shock evident in his eyes.

"What the fuck is this?" Zayn shouts.

"And what would you be referring to?" Mr Hedshaw asks.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You've untied us, why?"

"I felt bad for keeping you constricted."

"Oh, you felt bad?" Zayn laughs, moving closer to the steel panel to look Mr Hedshaw dead in the eyes.

"Did you feel bad when you were murdering innocent children?" He asks with a bitter tone.

"Shut up." Mr Hedshaw snaps.

Zayn backs away from the door and runs his hands through his hair.

Mr Hedshaw throws a bottle of water through the panel.

He goes to pass through another bottle when Zayn lurches forward and grabs his arm, slamming it down against the door with a sickening crack.

Mr Hedshaw's deafening screams fill the room.

"Let go of me, please let go of me!" He pleads, pain evident in his voice.

"Open the door. Open the door or I'll break your fucking arm." Zayn threatens.

"Not a chance." He croaks, and by the sound of his voice he's about to burst into tears.

Zayn pushes Mr Hedshaw's arm even further into the door which earns another scream from him.

"I'm not letting go until you open this goddamn door." Zayn says with a raised voice.

"Okay! Okay!" Mr Hedshaw squeals, fumbling about for keys with his free arm.

My heart is in my mouth as I hear the key click in the keyhole and it seems like everything is in slow motion as the key turns. This is it. We're getting out of here. I try to think for a second about what I'm going to do when he opens the door but the adrenaline coursing through my blood answers the question for me.

Zayn drops Mr Hedshaw's arm just as the door is pushed open and I don't know what comes over me but as soon as he comes into view, I lunge for him.

My arms wrap around his torso and I put every single ounce of energy I have left into slamming him into the wall behind him. He screams out in pain and falls to the ground as his presumably already broken arm gets caught between his body and the wall.

Zayn rushes out behind me and pulls me back before grabbing Mr Hedshaw by the collar and starts laying punches into him. Blood pours from his nose as Zayn continues hitting him and that's when I need to step in. If he continues hitting him he'll surely kill him, and he doesn't deserve to die, he deserves to suffer.

"Zayn c'mon, that's enough. Let's go." I shout, pulling the back of his t-shirt towards me.

His knuckles are bloodied and his forehead is damp with sweat. Mr Hedshaw lies in a slump on the floor and the only way I can tell he's still alive is the rise and fall of his chest.

Zayn takes my hand and we rush up the hallway, trying to find the steel doors. The hallway is still dark with only a few dim lights and I feel sick with nerves with each step we take up the silent hallway.

"There!" Zayn practically screams as we turn a corner and the steel doors come into view at the end of the hallway.

We run probably faster than we ever have before until we're at the doors where we try to push them open, but they don't budge.

"No no no no." I say, frantically searching for some kind of button or lock that'll open the door as Zayn does the same.

"This isn't fucking happening." Zayn says, shaking his head.

"Wait, try that." I say, gesturing towards a green button at the top of the steel doors on Zayn's side.

I silently pray that the door will open as Zayn reaches up and presses it. Dread and sickness quickly fill me as the ground beneath us opens up and our bodies fall down. A few seconds later we hit the ground and immense pain shoots up my leg. I cry out as the pain rapidly spreads from my leg through to my entire body like a house that's caught fire.

I can't do anything except feel pain as it takes over my whole entire being and drowns me.

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