Chapter Thirty-Two

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A loud bang causes me to jolt awake. My quick movement causes the immense pain to reawaken in my leg and I wince with a sharp inhale. I quickly scan the room in search for the noise but it doesn't seem to have come from here. Zayn is lying next to me asleep, his body lying in an uncomfortable angle.

"Zayn." I whisper, shaking him.

He stirs for a moment before finally opening his eyes and sitting up straight. The sleep is still evident in his eyes and he looks confused.

I take a moment to just look at him, taking him all in. His eyes are dull and lifeless and he looks as though he's given up. My heart sinks at the sight.

He seems to snap out of his sleep induced state after a few seconds.

"Are you okay?" He asks frantically, eyes scanning me as if checking for something wrong.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I assure him, putting my hand on top of his.

"I heard something." I tell him.

"What was it?" He asks.

"Like a loud bang, I don't know where it came from."

He stands up and looks around the room, running a hand through his hair.

"What did it sound like?"

"I don't really know, I was asleep, it woke me up."

"Okay." He nods.

He sighs before walking back over to me.

"I can't stay here much longer." He says. "We need to act now."

I nod, waiting for him to continue and tell me how on earth we're going to manage that.

"Our little run in with Hedshaw probably hasn't went down well." He sighs.

"Probably not." I agree. I dread to think what they must be planning right now.

"They probably won't risk opening that door again. We need to think of something else." He says.

We sit for a few minutes and try to think of something, anything.

"Okay, how about this?" I say eventually.

"Madge is surely the weakest link out of the three, right?"

"Right." He says.

"So we get to her, we break her. She'll snap, we escape."

"How are we going to break her though?"

"She knows me. I think I can get to her." I tell him.

"It's worth a try." He says.

I know I'm being majorly optimistic about this but I can't be anything other than that. I need to believe that this will work.

"So now we wait." I say.

I've no idea how long has passed. When you're stuck somewhere like this, sense of time is viciously stolen from you. Along with every other little thing you take for granted. Such as sleeping in a bed, eating and even going to the toilet whenever you need to.

Every single inch of my body aches. My stomach is begging me for food every time it rumbles. The bottled water Hedshaw put through the panel lay on the floor for a long time, both of us unsure whether to touch them or not - until we finally realised we had no choice but to take them.

I massively regret drinking it now as my bladder feels full and there isn't a toilet in here. The restriction is beginning to hurt my stomach and it's making me feel even worse than I already do.

My hair is now completely matted to me with blood, sweat and everything in between. My skin is in the same condition. I feel itchy and uncomfortable and all I want to do is jump in a scalding hot shower and wash this nightmare away.

We came up with a plan and now we just need to put it into action. Whether it will work or not, who knows? But we have no choice but to try.

Zayn is going to pretend to be sleeping while we wait for Madge to come to the panel. I'm going to try and convince her that I've taken my period and I need to get to the bathroom. It's going to be hard to convince her but I'm very persuasive and I'll use that to my advantage. If I'm successful I then need to take down Madge, before coming back to get Zayn.

I might be a leg down and lacking in energy but I'm not going down without a fight. I will do anything to get us out of here, hurting whoever is in my way to do so.

Because in this situation, it's kill or be killed. And I refuse to die.

Hiiiii, hope you're all good!

Yesterday this story was #47 in Mystery/Thriller and today it's up to #38 and I'm extremely happy about that!

So thank you for voting and commenting, means a lot :)

-S x

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