Chapter Thirty-Five

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Zayn's uncle continues to stare at me, a devious grin on his face. I don't take my eyes off Zayn for a second - desperately trying to read his eyes for some kind of explanation, but there is none.

He's emotionless. His eyes are dark and empty and seem to be giving absolutely nothing away.

I desperately want to ask him what's going on. Why isn't he tied up and I am? Why hasn't he attacked his uncle yet? All of my questions stay unanswered as I can't say shit when there are layers of duct tape covering my mouth.

"I bet you're wondering what's going on, huh?" Zayn's uncle says, pacing slowly in front of me. His greasy hair is slicked back, layers of sweat trickles down his forehead. I feel sick at the sight of him.

Zayn doesn't move. Doesn't even look at me.

"It seems your little boyfriend here has been deceitful." He says.


"You think you know someone." He tuts, shaking his head.

What the fuck is he talking about?

"You see," he says, "Zayn here has struck up a pretty little deal with me while you were away, haven't you Zayn?"

"I have." Zayn says, his voice confident and clear.

"It seems Zayn and I are a lot more similar than I originally thought." His uncle says with a smile.

You're nothing alike you piece of shit.

"Now I bet you're wondering what I'm talking about?" He says, "let me explain it for you."

"Zayn here wants to keep his life." He says, pacing slowly up and down the room again with his hands joined together. "But," he raises his forefinger in the air, "in order for him to do so, he needs to sacrifice another life."

He walks closer to me and leans down into my face.

"And that life is yours." He says slowly, his vile, hot and stale breath hitting my face and causing me to almost gag. His voice trails off into a sick laughter.

My blood runs cold and I snap my eyes to Zayn - begging for some sort of explanation, but his eyes are lowered to the ground.

Zayn wouldn't let anything happen to me. Not a chance. He loves me. He loves me and I love him and we're escaping here. Together.

Zayn finally lifts his head and looks me in the eye. His eyes are blank, staring right through me as if I'm not even here. Has his uncle done something to him? Drugged him? He isn't himself. There's something majorly off about him and it gives me a doubtful feeling deep in the pit of my stomach.

"So, let me tell you how this will happen Kaya." His uncle says, his voice in a mocking tone.

"We're going to play a little game." He tells me.

"A little general knowledge." He smiles, walking closer to me once again.

"You get the answer wrong, you die." He says and my heart sinks even further at the venom laced in his voice.

"But here's the fun part." He smiles. "I'm not going to be the one to kill you, Zayn is." He says, breaking into laughter once again.

We'll see how far you get with your stupid fucking game asshole because I can assure you Zayn will be doing no such thing.

His uncle's hand hovers in front of my face and I hold my breath, waiting to see what he'll do next.

He harshly rips the duct tape from my mouth, probably ripping half of my face off along with it. I bite down hard on my lip to stop myself crying out in pain.

"Zayn." I say in a pleading voice, hoping he'll look at me and snap back to himself. He ignores me, keeping his eyes to the ground.

"Zayn." I say again, voice shaking as I'm on the brink of tears.

"What?" He snaps, his head rising quickly.

"I-I," is all I manage to stutter out.

"Do you ever fucking shut up?" He shouts, startling me.

"It's quite simple really. Answer the questions. You get them wrong, you're gone. You understand?" He spits as his uncle looks on with immense pride on his face.

I feel sick as I watch Zayn pull the table behind me round past my chair and to the front of me where he stops. I follow him with my eyes as he reaches down and opens a drawer in the table. He retrieves a black leather briefcase and a pair of white silk gloves from the drawer and slams the case down on the table, causing me to jump in my seat. I'm in absolute shock and I don't know what to say. All I can do is watch on in confusion.

He puts on the white silk gloves and slowly opens up the briefcase and my heart stops when I see what's inside.

A large knife, a syringe, rags and a small plastic bottle with blue liquid in it.

I frantically look up at Zayn to find him already looking at me. He looks right through me with not a single emotion in his face and in a monotone voice he slowly says:

"Let the games begin."

My story has gone up to #33 in Mystery/Thriller! Thank you for voting and commenting and reading you beautiful babes xo


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