Chapter Eleven

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We watch on as the sun falls down with a certain elegance. Lowering down slowly as if bowing its head, thanking everyone for watching its stunning transformation. It turns the surrounding sky a mixture of yellow and orange, with a darkened undertone.

I glance over at Zayn to see him watching the sunset with content, the fading sunlight glinting in his hazel eyes. He turns his face to me and catches me staring, but this time I don't turn away. We stare each other out, not saying a word. As if we've both just silently entered a staring competition. But as I look into his eyes I realise there's something I've subconsciously noticed about Zayn. He might not be a man of many words, but his eyes seem to say much more than his words ever could.

"You blinked." He says, a smile slowly creeping across his face.

"I did not!" I say. Okay so maybe I did, but I was too busy reading his eyes to pay attention to our little game.

"Don't be a sore loser now, Greyson." He smirks.

"Would I ever?"

"You tell me."

"Never." I smile.

He glances down at his phone before looking at me again. "It's just passed five-thirty, you hungry?" He asks.

Just as he asks my stomach makes a low grumble, as if answering the question for me.

"I guess that's a yes."

"I guess so."

"C'mon." He says, standing up and wiping the grass from the back of his jeans, before stretching out his arms to pull me up.

"Thanks." I say wiping the grass from my jeans, repeating the action Zayn did moments ago.

"Welcome." He smiles.

The night has nearly fallen completely into darkness, but the moonlight mirrors over the lake bringing just enough light to see. The birds from earlier must have called it a night as the only thing heard now is the quiet ripple of waves. It's relaxing and peaceful to say the least. It's like straight from one of those tapes or CDs you'd get to help you sleep at night.

"So, I know a place." Zayn says.

"Oh you know a place, do you?"

"I do." He nods.

"And what does this place entail?" I ask.

"The best food you'll ever taste."

"Now that's a bold statement, Malik."

"I don't make bold statements I don't mean." He tilts his head slightly.

"If you say so."

He starts to walk towards the exit of the forest but then he turns back, almost as if he forgot something. He walks over to me and takes one of his hands in mine, looking up at me. And just by looking at his eyes, I know he remembers how uneasy I felt when we were in the dark basement.

"It's dark." He says, confirming my thoughts.

He leads the way, his hand in mine, with me right behind. And somehow I don't care anymore about walking through a dark forest, because in this moment I feel a sense of safety.

We make it out of the forest and through the garden, back into the lane we were in earlier. Zayn still keeps a hold of my hand and I can't help but feel a slight warmth in my heart at the gesture. We keep walking round the side of the house until we get to the fence I came through today. Zayn releases my hand and bends down to pull up the loose panel, holding it to let me through. I don't mention the fact I already knew this was here as I duck down and push myself through it. Zayn follows behind me and we start to walk up the lane towards my car.

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