Chapter Forty-Seven

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Last week was hard. It was physically draining to say the least. I've been to far too many funerals than I'd like in my life and they never get any easier.

Today I'm full of frustration. This cast and these crutches are driving me absolutely nuts. I feel so restricted and just plain annoyed. I've gotten used to using my crutch now and I'm just getting on with the fact I'm a leg down, but sometimes I just have these days where I want to jump about just for the sake of it, and then I remember I can't.

"We're not staying in today having you mull about how frustrated you are." Zayn says.

"What?" I ask.

"We're going out." He says and I let out a groan and close my eyes, shaking my head.

Zayn imitates my groan and takes my hands and pulls me up so I'm looking at him.

"We're going. Move your ass and get ready." He says, giving me one of his I know you can't resist this smiles and I kind of want to slap him in the face for having that effect on me.

"You're an asshole." I say.

"But you love me." He smiles smugly before grabbing my crutch for me and helping me off the couch.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Told you, it's a surprise." He smirks.

I roll my eyes at him and stare out the window as we drive. I'm being a total moody bitch today and he still hasn't lost patience with me and I honestly do not know how. If I was him I would've stopped the car and dropped me off in a field and left me there.

"What you thinking about?" He asks.

He quickly glances at me before turning his attention back to the road and that quick glance was really all I needed. Even if it was just for a second, the look in his eyes dissolved any frustration inside of me.

"How amazing you are." I smile.

"Someone's mood has lifted." He laughs.

"Guess that's the effect you have on me." I shrug.

"Glad to hear it." He takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

We continue driving for about fifteen minutes and I find myself feeling like I've been here before but I can't really put my finger on it.

We stop in a small car park with only a few cars in it and he comes round to the passenger side to help me out.

He opens the boot of the car and pulls out a picnic basket and I narrow my eyes at him. I didn't even see him put that in there.

"C'mon." He says, linking his arm in mine and leading the way.

We walk for a minute or so until a park comes into view. The park is full of people sitting, relaxing, eating and just playing around. A lot of people are enjoying the weather before autumn rolls in. The leaves on the trees are already starting to brown and crisp but there's still a warmth in the air.

"Picnic in the park? Sounds good." I smile.

"Actually, no." Zayn says with a smirk.

"No?" I ask, confused.

"Nope." He confirms.

"Then what are we doing here?"

"You'll see."

He leads me up a path through the park, and we walk past all of the crowds until we reach a little secluded spot away from everyone.

My heart swells as I notice a little stream next to the grass, similar to the one Zayn and I had our first date.

"Didn't want to go back to the stream at the mansion, you know, obvious reasons." He says.

"How did you even find this spot?" I ask, watching as Zayn pulls a blanket out of the picnic basket and lays it down on the grass.

"My gran lives not too far from here, she told me about it." He tells me. I knew this area looked familiar.

"You really know how to pull out all of the stops don't you?" I say as Zayn takes my crutch and helps me sit down on the blanket.

"It's a learning curve, never really met anyone worth pulling all the stops out for until now." He says and if I could just take this feeling inside of me right now and bottle it up, I would.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says, taking my hands.

"I really, really love you Kaya. I didn't think I'd ever be one of those guys who constantly says it y'know? But what we went through...we don't know what tomorrow will bring. So I just want to make sure that you know exactly how I feel about you, and if that means constantly telling you that I love you then so be it."

I find myself frequently wondering how on earth I managed to find someone like Zayn. Like somebody up there knew that I'd never really been lucky with relationships so they thought you know what? Today's the day this girl is going to meet the love of her life. Her hearts been through enough shit, let's show her what she's been missing.

And I genuinely feel like he's exactly what was missing. Have you ever had that feeling? Where there was something or someone missing from your life but you never even knew you needed it? Until that thing came into your life and it was like everything clicked into place. You finally found that place where you belong, where your safe haven is, where you're happiest. And now that you're there, you can't ever imagine being without it.

"You're everything." I tell him. "And I love you." I say, earning one of those smiles from him that make my heart go absolutely apeshit. He leans forward and kisses me and I know that's a feeling I'll never, ever get sick of. It's exciting and full of heat and love and electricity and it's not even a fraction of how he makes me feel.

Just a heads up guys...the story is nearly over :(

There's still chapters to come but I just thought I'd let you all know that we're nearing the end so you could be prepared y'know?

It would mean the world if you guys could keep voting and commenting!


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