Chapter 1

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No one really paid any attention to Tsukishima Kei when he first entered the gym for Volleyball.

It was when he cleared his throat and a small girl with flowers in her hair stepped out from behind him that everyone froze.

She was shorter than him by quite a bit, standing about three inches taller than Hinata. Her hair was long, blonde, and wavy, and she had a crown of flowers placed on her head.

"This," Tskuishima started, "Is Iwazumi Aiko." He finished his statement by awkwardly gesturing to the poor girl, and she rolled her bright green eyes at him.

"I'm Kei's girlfriend, Iwazumi Aiko, but you can call me Aiko! It's nice to meet you all!" Aiko greeted everyone with a beaming smile and bow, stunning the Volleyball club into silence.

"You're Tsukishima's girlfriend?! Someone can actually stand him?!" Hinata exclaimed, the first to speak amongst the crowd.

Aiko laughed lightly, she was very calm and happy, never one to stress or get angry.

"Indeed. Kei and I have been dating for... How long now? About seven months?" Aiko pondered, looking over to Tsukishima for help.

"Eight as of next week." He droned, seeming disinterested, but the slight blush on his cheeks said otherwise.

Once again, the entire volleyball club gasped, surprised that someone that seemed so sweet and calm could put up with the Asshole of the Volleyball Club.

Then, Yamaguichi entered the gym, the only member who wasn't previously there.

He looked slightly surprised for a moment, before walking over to the couple and asking, "Ai-chan?"

Aiko turned around and greeted the boy warmly, "Terre! It's so nice to see you, as always. Kei, come on, greet him, be nice." She scolded lightly, before turning back to the rest of the club.

Daichi and Sugawara approached the group from the other side of the gym, deciding to welcome the girl their club.

"Hello there, Iwazumi-San! I'm Daichi, the captain, and this is Sugawara. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Daichi bowed to the girl and she bowed back and replied, "Hello Daichi-San and Suagawara-San! Aiko is fine, you don't have to be so formal. Would it be okay to give you all nicknames?"

"Nicknames?!" Once again the club was shocked at this mysterious girl.

"Ah, Ai-chan gives nicknames to all of her friends, except Tsukki because he didn't like his." Yamaguichi stepped in and explained.

Quickly, Hinata and Nishinoya bounded over to the group.

"HI TSUKISHIMA'S GIRLFRIEND WE'RE HINATA SHOYOU AND NISHINOYA YU CAN WE HAVE NICKNAMES??? YOURE SO PRETTY!!" They yelled very loudly at her, and Tsukishima pushed them away from her protectively, making her giggle.

"Hello there, and thank you. Of course. I've got to get to know you first though! I can't give you a name with no meaning, silly." Aiko giggled again, and Tanaka hastily joined them, followed by the rest of the club.

"You're welcome to watch our practice!!"

"Please join us for practice, Aiko-chan!"

"Of course I will! Thank you for having me!" Aiko bowed and grabbed her boyfriend's hand, forcing him to take his gaze from the ground to her.

"That is, if it's okay with Kei, too." She looked up at him with a look that Sugawara recognized immediately.

She looked at him with love, pure love.

Her light eyes were overflowing with love as soon as they landed on him.

And when Suga shifted his gaze to look at Tsukki, he found that he looked at the girl with the same look.

Ah, young love.

Today seemed to be the day of many new things, as Tsukishima...


Indeed, the blond boy smiled as he glanced down at his girlfriend, but quickly caught himself, turning away and shrugging.

Aiko laughed at him, then stood up on her tip-toes to kiss him on the cheek.

If Kei was red before, he was a tomato now.

"Oh!!! Ai-chan!! Let's introduce you to everyone!! C'mon!!" As Terre, or Yamaguchi, grabbed her available hand and dragged her away, Daichi and Sugawara took this opportunity to talk to Tsukishima.

"So, Tsukishima. Why didn't you bring her here sooner?" Daichi questioned, surprised at all the new information.

"She just moved here a few days ago. We met online on a music forum. I met her in person for the first time three months ago, after we had already been dating for some time. Since then we've gone on regular dates and stuff, but she didn't live in Miyagi until Tuesday." Kei explained absently, staring off at his adorable girlfriend, who was being shown off by his best friend.

"Where is she staying? Is she near you?"

"She's staying with me."

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