Chapter 6

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I held Kei and Terre's hands as we walked to school. Well, the boys walked, but I skipped.

Kei let go of my hand for a moment to quickly braid my hair, and wove the purple asters in with the braids. I was a good braider, but not as good as him. He dragged his long fingers through my hair gently and wove the three separate strands together, entwining flowers along the way.

I was so excited to see their practice match against Nekoma today!

"Oh my goodness, boys, you have no idea just how happy I am to see you guys play in a practice match!! I love you both so much and my Neko boys are gonna be there too and I love them too! And even though I only just met Karasuno's volleyball team yesterday, I still love them! I'm so excited! I'm so ex-" my endless ranting and excitement was cut off my a kiss from Kei, which was very sweet, especially since I knew he didn't like PDA.

I kissed him quickly on the lips again and turned to kiss Terre on the cheeks. My boys.

As soon as I went to kiss Kei for the fourth time, we were at the doors of the gym, and I could already hear Tetsu inside.

I bounded up to the door and threw it open, dragging Kei and Tadashi with me.

"Ai, be careful, you're gonna mess up your braids." Kei scolded, and I giggled.

All it took was the small giggle for Tetsu to freeze, halting his conversation with Daichi. He quickly turned around and I ran to him, squealing as he picked me up. "Ai-chan, ohohoho, it's been so long!"
We both laughed and he set me down, and I kissed him on the cheek just as Kenma came out of the changing rooms.

"KEN!!" I ran to him, too, and he barely caught me as I engulfed him in a huge hug.

"Aiko, nice to see you." I kissed his cheek too, and the rest of Neko and Karasuno appeared.

I ran to the rest of the Neko group and sprinkled them all with kisses on their cheeks. They all hugged me and mentioned that they missed me this past week.

The boys of Karasuno gasped.

I turned to them, and they were staring at Kei expectantly, and then looking back to me.

"Huh? Why are you all looking like that? Do you want kisses and hugs too?" Hinata, Nishinoya and Tanaka ran to me and asked for kisses, to which I complied, but then they froze.

"Ai-chan, I think they're confused as to why you're giving kisses to a bunch of boys while your boyfriend looks on." Tetsu smirked, and the boys of Karasuno blushed and nodded shyly.

I simply giggled while Kei answered, "Everyone knows Aiko is my girlfriend, and they're all friends with her. Also, she'd give kisses to anyone who asked."

"And anyway, only cheek kisses. The rest are for Kei!" I chirped, standing on my tiptoes to peck Kei's lips.

"Hm, I knew Ai-chan was the only straight one on this team." Kenma grumbled as they all lined up to play.


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