Chapter 3

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I smiled slightly as Aiko's breathing slowed. She was definitely not subtle in sniffing my cologne before drifting off to sleep.

"You do so much for her, Tsukki, that it makes your mean side seem nonexistent." Yamaguichi said as we left the gym. The rest of the annoying pricks turned to join in on our conversation, or at the very least, listen in.

"I know. I had to ask my parents for money to buy the new Fall Out Boy album because I spent all of mine on flowers for her and that stupid cologne she loves so much." I rolled my eyes, but I knew she knew that I would spend every last penny making her happy.

"I don't understand why you don't like your nickname she gave you then." The entirety of the volleyball went wide-eyed at Tadashi's comment.

"What was your nickname she gave you?! Why don't you like it?!" The annoying red head asked loudly, startling Aiko out of her slumber.

"Kei's nickname? It's çiçeğim (chee•chee(m)). It means 'My flower' in Turkish. He doesn't like it because he thinks it's stupid. Although it fits him so well because..." She launched into telling the entire club whole story about how I buy her flowers every single day, and because there was no better time, I interrupted to do just that, "Oh yeah. Here you go." I pulled a red rose from my bag and tucked it behind her ear, just like I did every other day.

"EH?!" Kageyama and Sugawara sweatdropped, "Was he carrying that around all day?"

Aiko giggled, and I blushed. I loved her laugh more than anything, it was almost worth getting embarrassed for. She quickly leaned over and kissed my cheek, making me blush again, and said knowingly, "thank you, çiçeğim, I appreciate it very much. Mm, we should ask Tsukki-mama if we can have the club over for dinner!! I'll make pasta~~!"

Yamaguichi jumped higher than Hinata at that suggestion. "WILL YOU REALLY AIKO?? I LOVE IT WHEN YOU COOK!!"

"Shut up Yamaguichi. Ai, we'll have to ask my mother. Although I'm sure she'll agree, you could ask her to give you all her money and she would do it gladly."

Aiko laughed, "of course!! I love your mother, Kei, she's so sweet! She just loves me because you love me, and also because she knows I love you too." She paused for a moment before continuing, "Oh!! You all must come to dinner at Kei's place!! Kei, dear, will you please call your darling mother and ask her if we can have the club over? Plus then I can show the club all their nicknames and such!!" Aiko squealed and jumped off my back, running and twirling in front of us.

"Aiko, what about Akiteru? Are you going to make dinner for everyone?" I asked, trying to discourage the idea at least a little. I didn't want people I didn't even like in my house.

"Everyone who would like to, I will. Akiteru can eat if he would like to, I hold no grudge against the boy. He's done nothing wrong." Yamaguichi and I stared at the girl incredulously.

Yamaguichi grabbed her shoulder, "Aiko!! He called you... a hippie bitch!"

The remaining members of the club, who had accepted Aiko's offer, gasped. Those members were Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Nishinoya, and Hinata. Kageyama had to leave to help his mother prepare for dinner at his house.

Everyone else had left before she proposed the idea.

"Ah, he didn't mean it. He was upset that çiçeğim got a girlfriend before he did. Aki is very nice, just as Kei is." She turned her eyes to the sky as she grabbed my hand, dragging her other hand through her hair. I decided that now would be the best time to call my mother.

"Speaking of which, do any of you have any embarrassing stories about Kei?" Aiko giggled, making me roll my eyes as I snaked my arm around her waist, pulling the small beauty closer to me.

Nishinoya launched into some story about me getting hit in the face with a volleyball.

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