Chapter 13

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Aiko POV

Kenma and I sat on his bed, with Tetsu on the floor.

Kenma was kneading the lavender hair dye into my locks, while the bleach soaked into his.

It was a tradition, dying his hair every time it faded, but since I was... Dying soon... Get it?



Anyway, since soon I will be dead, I figured now would be a fantastic time to break out the hair dye.

"Oh yeah, Ai-bae, there's this first year on the team who showed up a few weeks ago and said he wanted to meet you, you up?" Tetsu called as he walked out of the room, grabbing the hairdryer from the sink and coming back.

"Lev?" Hatred laced into his voice, Kenma spat out the question before I could answer. My favorite thing about Kenma was his general hatred of people, because he was never afraid to talk shit. It was especially funny since he's a cute lil pudding head.

"Yeah. He-"

"No. Lev can't meet Aiko, are you serious? The boy would plow over her in excitement. She's too small and fragile." Kenma's protective side was only ever apparent with me, and although I found it amusing, I am not fragile.

Kenma starting giggling, joking about me being small. But, if I've learned anything throughout the years, it's that you gotta defend your pride against these wild boys.

"Oi!! Ken!!! I'm not fragile!! I can deal with one boy. How bad could it be?"

That's how I ended up at the summer training camp, about to watch another practice match when a lamp post bigger than my beanpole boyfriend clouded my view.

"Wow!! You're Aiko-Senpai?! Kenma-San and Kuroo-Senpai talk about you all the time!!" Green eyes, not unlike my own were suddenly in my face, and silver hair brighter than Suga's bombarded my space.

"Hello there! I am Aiko, you must be Lev, right? Hm, Skyli. "Puppy" in Greek. Accurate, no?" I pulled an aster from my now lavender locks and tucked it behind his ear, and his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas.

"Aiko-senpai is so kind!!" Skyli, or Lev, beamed, his smile instantly warming my heart, much like hinata's.

I was extremely amused by Lev, we chatted and he just kept complimenting me the whole time, the sweetheart, until Tobio, another sweetheart, came and poked my shoulder.

"Um, Aiko-senpai! I think the bastard lamp-post died!" He bowed and blushed, but pointed over at Kei, who was laying on the ground.

I was extremely confused and concerned until I saw Kenma being restrained by various Nekoma members , and I immediately knew what happened.

I ran over to him and helped him up, giggling slightly when I saw his petrified expression.

"Aw, Kenma! Please don't break my fiancé! I love both of you very much, why can't you get along?"

"Yeah, Pudding-chan, don't break the fiancé!" Kei stood behind me with an arm around the front of my shoulders, taunting Kenma.

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