Chapter 2

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Daichi and Suga were stunned.

She was staying with him?

"We have extra rooms and my parents just love her to bits. They think she's like some savior that's gonna 'rescue me from dweebdom' or something stupid. I don't mind their comments though, because it just means I get to see her more." Kei smiled again, as Aiko turned around from the other side of the court and waved at him, beaming like he put the stars in the sky.

Suga hummed, "Mm. You two are very cute. Don't let her go, I can tell you love her."

Tsukki barely had time to blush before Daichi reigned everyone in and said it was time for practice.


By the end of practice I had found nicknames for everyone who wanted one.

Hinata was Soliel, meaning 'sun' in french.

Kageyama was lunae, meaning 'moon' in latin.

Daichi was pére, meaning 'father' in French.

Sugawara was mére, meaning 'mother' in french.

Nishinoya was kidemónas, meaning 'guardian' in greek.

Asahi was papatya, meaning 'daisy' in Turkish.

Yamaguichi was Terre, meaning 'earth' in French.

Tsukishima's nickname had always been çiçeğim, meaning 'my flower' in Turkish.

I smiled, Kei's was obviously my favorite, as Kei was my favorite.

It was so funny seeing him around other people.

He was obviously not as nice to his friends as he was to me, but he was like that to me at first too. He was rude, but I didn't mind, I knew that he was really just insecure and afraid. So when I got to know him, I really fell further in love with him, when he put his insecurity and fears behind and was just... Kei. He brought me flowers when we first met in person, and it made me so happy. He must've known that I was giddy over the flowers, because every time I saw him from then on, he got me flowers.

And that's where his nickname stems from.

My flower.

My Tsukishima Kei.

My thoughts were interrupted as the boys finished practice.

Instead of standing up, I stayed sitting criss cross on the floor, and Kei got the message.

He bent down in front of me, facing away from me, and I climbed on his back so he was giving me a piggy back ride out of the gym.

Did I mention how much I loved Kei's cologne and shampoo? Because I do. A lot.

It smelt like petrichor, when rain hits the dry cement. The scent no one could hate.

I quickly fell asleep, still on Kei's back, as he took us home.

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