Chapter 9

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Before i could even stand I was swarmed with men.

Nekoma, Seijoh, Karasuno, Akiteru, my father, and Kei's father all hugged me at once.

I never said men were intelligent.

It was a big room, since my illness was something... Special, they gave me the biggest room they had. It smelt like an overabundance of Axe body spray and manly deodorant.


Also Kei's cologne, but that was pleasant, as always.

The walls were completely white, like everyone in this goddamn room, but there were flowers and 'get well soon' cards placed in various places.

"Alright guys, we should probably go. Aiko, we'll see you soon okay? Stay safe and don't die." Was Kuroo's parting words to me as Nekoma and most of Seijoh filed out of the hospital.

Oikawa and Hajime stayed, though.

When the doctor- who was pretty attractive- came in to tell us what was wrong, I shooed Karasuno out, with the exception of Kei and Tadashi.

Kei was cuddling with me on the hospital bed, Tadashi was standing nearby, Hajime was sitting in the chair with Oikawa on his lap, and both my parents and Kei's parents (and Aki) were talking and standing by the wall.

The doctor looked a little bewildered at the arrangement, but didn't question it.

"Well, I have some good news and bad news. The good news is, you still have time," everyone let out a breath of relief, "The bad news is, it's not a lot of time."

Everyone froze. I could vaguely feel Kei start shaking, and I knew if he had any tears left he would be crying again.

No one could seem to do it, so I did, "How long? You have an estimate or something?"

I'm going to be honest.

As long as my friends are safe, and Kei knows I love him, I don't care if I only have an hour left.

"About three and a half years."

Oh. That wasn't bad.

Nevertheless, everyone started balling, and I kissed Kei lightly all over his face to calm his relentless sobs.

My poor Kei, he didn't deserve this.

"Okay, what's the bad news?" I asked, and everyone turned to me.

I giggled, "You only told us good news! I thought you were gonna say I had like a day left or something. Three whole years? That's fine with me." Hajime had a look of endearment on his tear-stained face, while Oikawa and everyone else was looking at me with awe.

I figured three years is plenty of time.

I was already a third year in highschool, three extra years gives me way more than enough time to make Kei happy.

That's all I really wanted.

Hajime knew this, when we were younger we would always discuss our fears and goals. I always said I wanted to make my soulmate happy. And my baby brother, of course.

So soon enough, the IVs were taken out of my arms, and Kei carried me out of the hospital, Karasuno and everyone trailing behind.

The fresh air felt nice in my lungs, and I took deep breaths before Hinata broke the thick silence, "Aiko... Why did this happen? Why does everyone look so sad?"

The way the little sunshine asked broke my heart, so I had Kei put me down and everyone crowded around to listen.

"Hinata, when I was born, the doctor said I was very sick, with a disease without a name, since I was the first case they'd ever seen. They said I probably wouldn't live to be four years old. So my birth parents, who couldn't pay for treatments or give me the love and care I needed, decided to give me to my actual parents, the Iwazumi's, since they could, and would. It's always been a series of deadlines, once I was five they said I wouldn't make it to seven, when I was eight they said fourteen, when I was fifteen they said seventeen. Well, now I'm eighteen, and this time, well, it's certain I won't live to be twenty. The reason I'll probably die is that first I get sick, and then my body shuts down, and I basically die for a few seconds. I stay alive, obviously, but barely. Kei," I explained, motioning over to my boyfriend, "witnessed one of these episodes a few months ago, actually on one of our first dates. Since I've known about this my whole life, when I was young I made a list of things I wanted to do before I died. Kei, Hajime, Tooru, and Tadashi all promised to help me fulfill this list. So far, I'm mostly done. I can show it to you later, if you'd like." At this point, mostly everyone was crying again, and I sighed. I hate when they all cry. Sugawara, Mére, raced up to me and engulfed me in a huge hug, crying and mumbling about how he wished I didn't have to go through this.

"Aw Mére, don't worry, I've known forever, it's kinda just a fact now, I've always been expecting, my whole life. It's okay. I feel bad for you all, especially Kei."

The all looked at me quizzically.

"You are all going to have to be the ones who will keep living after I'm gone, you're the ones who have to grieve. On my list is two things specific: Get married and have a baby. Soooo, unless something happens within the next few years, Kei's gonna have a child to worry about."

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