Chapter 5

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Ai also fell asleep within seconds, a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because then I could kiss her forehead quickly without her knowing, and a curse because she also missed my quiet "I love you, Aiko. Goodnight."

I thought about today's events, running my hands through Aiko's long, blonde hair, rid of the flowers that usually take place there. I finally introduced her the the Volleyball Club, which I couldn't decide if it was a bad idea or a good one.

Probably a bad one.

I love her with all my heart, and sometimes, sharing her attention is not my favorite activity.

The club pisses me off so much, but maybe with her there it won't be as bad. Except matches, because then it's double the boys who are going to try to flirt with my girlfriend.

I'll punch them.

The other thing is, Aiko is small, and oblivious. She's off in her own little world, a world where only her friends and family reside. And so, when people try to confess to her, she doesn't understand, or doesnt notice.

When I confessed, she was very confused, so I had to spell it out to her.

Then she said, "Oh!! You have a crush on me! Well I guess it's a good thing I love you too, hm?"

And so, I sent her the flowers, and she cried.

She didn't understand until I verbally asked her to be my girlfriend, she thought I was asking if she liked it so I could send it to some other girl I liked.

What an idiot.

I played with her hair a while longer until I started to drift off, and slowly, I fell asleep.


When I woke up, Aiko was there, facing me.

She was awake, but her eyes were closed, and she was humming softly and running her small fingers through my hair calmly.

"Good morning, love. I'll go so you can get dressed and head downstairs, there's breakfast there that I made earlier, okay? I love you, go get ready." Aiko whispered, knowing it was too early for her to talk regularly.

"No." I rebelled, pulling her closer to me and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Kei, we have to get up and go to school. I know you don't want to, but it's five, and school starts at seven. It takes you about an hour to get ready, and thirty minutes to walk, which we'll be doing since your mother took the car. So come on, let's go. I love you, and would love to spend all day cuddling with you, but it's my first day of school, and I'll be a third year." She snuggled her head into the crook of my neck, kissed me there, and then stood up, sighing.

"I would kiss you on the lips but you have morning breath, which I wouldnt mind usually, but I already brushed my teeth. So the quicker you get up the quicker you get an actual kiss." I shot out of bed like a rocket, throwing on my clothes and headphones quickly before running downstairs to eat.

When I got there, Aiko was serving four plates of bacon, eggs, and pancakes.

Hell yeah, the pancakes were dino shaped.

Although... Four?

Aiko seemed to read my mind, "One for me, one for you, one for Aki, and one for Terre, who will be stopping by and walking with us. Speaking of which," she grabbed my tie and straightened it, then running her fingers through my hair, fixed it so it was the perfect mess it always was, "go wake up Aki, he might still be asleep, and tell him we have breakfast for him when he's ready."

So, I quickly ran up to my brothers room, still thinking of the kiss I needed.

"Akiteru, wake up. Aiko made breakfast for you. Come eat it."

I ran back down the stairs to find Yamaguchi and Aiko hugging, and quickly forced everyone to sit down so I could brush my goddamn teeth.

Akiteru came running down the stairs and plopped himself into a chair, and we all quickly ate, before I bolted to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I could hear Aiko giggling downstairs, and telling everyone else about how I was promised a kiss if i brushed my teeth.

So I ran downstairs as fast as I could after I brushed my teeth, and before she knew what was happening, grabbed Aiko by the waist and kissed her, spinning the two of us around in circles. I smiled into the kiss, and she responded before breaking it up so she could laugh at me.

"Kei, you're so cute. I'll have to do the same thing everyday then, if this is how fast you're gonna get ready." 

And with that, we left the house to start our day, heading off to morning volleyball practice.

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