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Tsukishima Kei POV

I went along life as normal.

I didn't miss a single day of school nor did my grades falter.

There wasn't a funeral.


When she made the bucket list, she also wrote a letter.

"Dearest Kei,
I know now that I'm dead and gone, and you're probably a little upset. I want you to know that it's okay to be upset, and it's okay to not be upset, but, love, you must take whatever feelings you have in stride. Use your anger or sadness to propel yourself onward, farther forward than I could ever dream. Don't let those feelings go to waste. You'll only ever feel this much pain now, so use it, and don't let me die in vain. I don't want a funeral, those are pointless and just a manifestation of feelings that could have gone to good use. I hope you appreciate these as my dying words and use it. Or else I'm coming down from heaven to beat you up myself.
Lots of love and asters,

The weirdest, but somehow, best letter I have ever received. I was so damn mad at the world for taking my love away, I used it to my advantage. For Aiko. Anything for Aiko.

Everyday, I buy a purple aster and put it on her grave.

Everyday, I wear that cologne.

Everyday, without fail, I visit her after school.

Sometimes the volleyball club comes too.

"Hey, Aiko. You'll never guess. Im the captain of the volleyball team now. Hinata is the ace, so he can't be captain, Tadashi didn't want to be, and kageyama would be the worst captain ever. So, it's me. Yachi would've come with me to visit today, but she was busy, she has to find a new manager for the club next year. I miss you a lot, Hinata tells all the first years about how he was the sun, how you called him the sun. He talks about you painting his nails and teaching him it was okay to do 'girl-things'. Kageyama was telling the first years about you kissing everyone's heads, and holding everyone's hands. Tadashi hurts the most, I think, but he's become an amazing player. He's a regular, and our serves are really powerful because he taught all the lowerclassmen. Anyway, I should probably go. I love you, and I miss you. I miss you so much. But my grades are over 100% in all my classes, so I guess I'm still using it to my advantage. I love you. Did I already say that? Oh well. I love you. Goodbye."

And with that, I left my love behind, going off to finish yet another day without her.

She may not have lived, but our patient love always will.

And that's a wrap!!!
I cried so much writing this. Ahhhh it's over!!! My baby is dead!!!!! Anyway, thank you so much for reading this awful story, I hope I didn't make you cry too much!

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