Chapter 10

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When we got home, it was in silence, everyone was quiet, and everyone was sad, except Aiko.

So as I took out the braids from her soft, golden hair, and set the dying flowers from her locks in the trash, she lightly said, "Kei, love, please don't be sad. I need you to be happy for me. I can't live the rest of my life knowing that you're so sad. And I know everything, so you can't even be sad secretly. We need to realize it's inevitable and move on. Please. I just... I need you to just love me."

The soft but desperate tone of her voice made me want to cuddle and snuggle her for all eternity. I sighed, realizing that I did indeed know this was coming before we were dating, and I still love her, so it's too late to pretend I don't.

"Aiko, you know I love you more than anything in the world. It's no secret. So I will do everything in my power to keep you, and myself happy. I love you. I hate that I'm so closed off and emotionless, i wish I could be the sweet and kind boyfriend you deserve but that's just not in my personality. So I probably won't be saying 'I love you' a lot, don't get used to it." I averted my eyes, blushing, suddenly grateful she was sitting in front of me so she couldn't see my red face. It was rare for me to show so much raw emotion and be so open, but when she's being all cute, it's not like I can resist.

"Cuddle me, Kei. I don't wanna go to school. I wanna stay here with you and snuggle my cute tsundere boyfriend."

I blushed again, but pulled her into my side and cuddled her anyway.

And as she fell asleep, I realized just how deeply in love I was, with my Aiko.

The realization put me into a frenzy, I felt this sudden need to change Iwazumi Aiko to Tsukishima Aiko.

I stayed up much later after she fell asleep, my fingers threaded in her apple scented hair, thinking about the perfect opportunity to propose.



Aiko and the rest of the third years have graduated, but come back to Karasuno every so often, especially our female protagonist, who attends volleyball practice everyday.


When I awoke with Kei's fingers in my hair, it was five am exactly.

It was five-thirty when I finally managed to get him to let go of me so I could get ready for school.

"Kei, love, please wake up, we have school today. And I have to call Seijoh and Nekoma before we leave to let them know I'm doing okay. Also, if you want breakfast you better get going. I'm not kissing you until you brush your teeth." At that last statement, just like most days, he was downstairs and ready before I could even make breakfast.

The scent of chocolate chip pancakes was what brought Akiteru downstairs, and he kissed the top of my head before sitting down to eat. Kei was fuming at his brother, who liked to show affection towards me just to piss off my boyfriend. Giggling, I shook my head at the arguing boys, and soon, both adult Tsukishimas entered the kitchen.

As soon as we all finished eating the chocolate pancakes, Kei bounded upstairs to brush his teeth.

"My, what's got Kei so motivated?" Mrs.Taukishima asked interestedly.

I giggled before responding, "Well, I told him I wouldn't kiss him before he brushed his teeth. It's seemed to work pretty well."



I made sure the entire volleyball team was aware that Aiko's disease was to never be discussed unless she, herself, brought it up first. I'm positive I made it clear to them that pity and sadness wasn't an option. If I even caught them thinking about it, they'd be
dead meat. I mean, I know I'm scary and rude most of the time, but I can't imagine what they think of me now.

So as we walked into practice, everything seemed relatively normal. And it all was. I couldn't thank the idiots enough for not fucking up for once. Aiko sat on the floor next to Manager-Senpai and Manager-chan. When I looked over at her, to make sure neither of those girls upset her at all or asked questions Aiko didn't like, I saw her doodling on Hitoka-chan's arms and hands. Relatively similar to the ones she draws on Yamaguchi and I when she's bored or tired. Yachi and Kiyoko both seem entranced by her artwork, and I'm not surprised.

It was then that I got hit with a volleyball in the face.

The idiot duo did those freak quicks and smacked me right in the face, my glasses skidding across the floor.


Ai was by my side immediately, asking if I was okay and pulling my spare glasses from my bag to place on my face.

"I'm fine, Aiko, go sit down, there's only ten minutes left anyway." I dismissed her, not wanting to be over affectionate near the team.

Unfortunately, my smartass girlfriend decided to kiss my cheek anyway, like she knew I was dismissing her and wanted to tease me.

Which led to more teasing from the team.

And before I could effectively flip her off, Ukai called the end of practice, and she literally jumped on me.

Everyone cooed, like she was just so cute.

She was just so cute, but also a little devil.

But I carried her home on my back anyway, and decided I would "help" her make dinner for us two and Yamaguchi, who was coming over to study.



As Tsukki and Aiko made dinner, I had an issue on my English homework, and decided it couldn't hurt to enter the kitchen and ask for help.

However, I only reached the doorway when I saw Tsukki tickling Ai-chan's sides and kissing her lightly all over her face as she was trying to stir the soup she was making.

"Kei, Kei! Stop, and go do your homework. Or help, at least, just do something productive!!"

At the possibility i could be caught being a little creep, I quickly and quietly hurried back and sat back at the table, thinking about how cute they were.

Which led me to my next thought.

It's going to be devastating when Aiko-

"Yamaguchi, come to my room, I need help." Tsukki called to me, rushing past and ascending the stairs.

He's going to be ruined when Aiko dies.

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