Chapter 8

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

It was 5:00 when the alarm went off, and 5:01 when I vomited.

Kei was fine, so it wasn't from food I ate.

It wasn't from lack of sleep, I went to sleep as soon as we got home last night.

Why was I so sick?

"Ai, you can't go to school today. And I'm not leaving you here alone when you're sick, so we're both staying home, okay? I'll get you tucked back into bed with a trash can, in case you gotta.. Ya know... Again, and then I'll run to the corner store. Don't get out of bed." Kei was stroking my hair soothingly before he helped me wash up and get back into bed. I really didn't want him to leave, but I needed meds.

Before making a hasty escape to the store, he gave me a quick peck on the forehead and a stern, "Don't move."

10 minutes before Kei returned, there was no more puke, but a pounding headache so bad, that it took everything in my power not to cry when I reached for my phone. The screen lit up, displaying the time as 5:12 over a cute selfie Kei and I took. I unlocked it gingerly, my fingers soft as I flinched at the harshness of my phone brightness. I relayed a speedy message to Kei before nestling myself in the covers further, "pls get headack stuf xoco" which was supposed to say, "please get headache stuff, xoxo"


My knight in shining armor arrived with everything I asked for and more. Medicine, cold packs, ginger ale, a thermometer, and crackers.

Gotta love boyfriends.

"Thanks Kei. You should call Daichi and tell him you can't come to practice if you're that intent on staying home with me." I whispered, enough for Kei to hear but not enough to worsen my headache.

He nodded before laying down in bed with me and holding me close, stroking my head calmly.


About 2 hours later we get the phone call.

I answer, since it didn't wake Kei up but it did me, and I immediately hear Hinata yelling through the phone, "AI-CHAN ARE YOU PREGNANT?! MY MOTHER SAID THAT WHEN SHE WAS PREGNANT SHE GOT SICK IN THE MORNING TOO!!! SHE SAID SHE ALSO GOT HEADACHES AND YOUR STREETLAMP BOYFRIEND SAID YOU GOT BOTH OF THOSE! DID HE GET YOU PREGNANT?!" I sighed, Hinata had woken Kei up, and the 'street lamp' was not happy. He gently took the phone from my hand and replied, "Oi, Aiko was asleep, you shrimp, and now you woke her up. And you're certainly not helping the headache. No, she's not pregnant. Go away, bother your boyfriend instead of my girlfriend." And with that, the confused yelling of Hinata ceased, and we got up to shower and eat lunch.

"Alright Princess, you go shower, I'll go heat up the soup I bought earlier." My streetlamp scooped me up into his arms and sat me down on the bathroom counter before making a hasty escape downstairs.

After my shower, I attempted to walk.


I tripped about three stairs from the top of the staircase, and only fell down two more stairs before Akiteru, who had just arrived home, caught me, "Woah there, Aiko, you should probably not walk if your as sick as my brother said. I'll take you down there." And with that, I was being carried by the other Tsukishima brother.

"Tch, put my girlfriend down, she's sick. Don't contaminate her further." If I had the strength, I would have giggled, but it seemed like all the strength had been suck away.

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