Chapter 4

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My mother was delighted when we all entered the house, and rushed over to hug Aiko when she passed the threshold.

"Oh!!! Aiko, dear!! You and Kei have such good looking friends!! I'm so delighted to have the lot of you here. Aiko, I'll help you with dinner, Kei, go entertain your friends and tell Akiteru to set the table!"


Çiçeğim looked positively stumped when he was told to entertain everyone, so I told him to just talk to them. I don't know if he knew I could hear his conversation from the kitchen though, and Tsukki-Mama and I eavesdropped shamelessly.

"So, Tsukishima, is Aiko going to live with you for long?" Sugawara asked, starting conversation.

"Yes. If she tries to move out I won't let her." He answered in a monotone, before continuing, quieter this time, "I love her quite a bit. More than anything, really. I just want to spend the rest of my life with her."

I blushed profusely, and Mrs.Tsukishima giggled, "Dear, my little Kei is growing up so fast. Already found the love of his life. My little Aiko, too!! Aw, dear, I'm so glad he found you." She gripped me tight in her motherly hug and I hugged her back.

Our little moment was interrupted by more nosiness.

"Wow, Tsukishima, you really are in love!! Are you and Ai-chan going to get married? Can i come to your wedding? Pleaseeeee??? I love weddings, and Ai-chan is really nice!!" Hinata bounced around, evicting yet another giggle from me.

Apparently I was too loud though, because Kei turned around and saw me standing in the doorway giggling, a bowl of spaghetti sauce in my hand.

I walked over to the boys and kissed the top of Kei's blond, hella soft and super amazing smelling hair.

"When Kei and I get married, I'll be sure to invite all of you!! You're all very kind, and I'm glad my two dorks have such amazing friends." Smiling, I made my way over to Terre and kissed his head too.

This made Hinata and Nishinoya pout, so I went over to kiss their heads too.

"Oh yeah, I meant to ask, what year are you, Aiko-san?" Daichi asked politely, speaking up to keep the conversation flowing.

"I'm a third year."

The boys all turned to stone.

"The... First year... Has a hot... Third year... Girlfriend..."

"Oh, that reminds me!! I have nicknames for you all!! I'll tell you them while we eat. Love, will you get Aki-chan? He went to his room after setting the table." Kei blushed lightly, and I took note to call him "Love" more often.

"Okay, so here they are," I pointed to Daichi first, "Daichi, yours is Perè, meaning 'father' in French, because you definitely act like a father towards the team." Daichi laughed and I moved on to Sugawara, "Suga, yours is Merè, meaning 'mother' in French, because you are the mom of the team." Sugawara thanked me and I turned to Hinata, "Hinata, yours is Soliel, meaning 'sunshine' in Latin, because you're so bright and happy." Hinata blushed, and turned to Nishinoya to brag, "Noya, yours is kidemónas, meaning 'guardian' in Greek. You're the libero, right? So you're like the guardian! And Asahi, yours is papatya, meaning 'daisy' in Turkish, because you are so kind and gentle. Kageyama is the only other one who wanted one but he isn't here." Tsukki clicked his tounge and said, "Typical Aiko, so excited about the stupid nicknames."

"Typical Kei, so jealous of his girlfriend's attention." Akiteru said, mocking his brother.

"Akiteru, let me remind you that you're the one that was jealous first."

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