CHAPTER 17 - How Deep Is Your Love?

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own PJO and HoO as well as its characters. I also don't own the songs, since i am not an aspiring song writer.

Chapter 17: How Deep Is Your Love


The announcements for the qualifiers for the finals were tomorrow. Percy figured that they'll just hang out today, like teenage mortals do. So Percy and His friends went to a restaurant, where the hired singers sing acoustics and covers. But it went downhill when the bill came.

"Here's the bill sir!" The waiter said cheerily, handing over the bill. Leo happily took it, since he said it's on him. We were seating around the round table. in counter-clockwise they were arranged from Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, Calypso, Nico, Will, Frank, Hazel and back to Percy. The singers were currently playing an acoustic song cover of Annabeth and Percy's Just give me a reason. Percy and Annabeth were holding hands under the table. Percy was happily staring at Annabeth.

Leo cleared his throat. "Er, guys. I may or may not have left my wallet in the hotel." Leo said awkwardly, while rubbing the back of his neck.

Percy and his friend's eyes widened, They planned on not their wallet, which was a stupid move in Percy's opinion. They looked at Leo expectantly. Annabeth's brain saved the day.

"May we speak to your manager?" Annabeth said kindly to the waiter. The waiter smiled and left their table.

 Annabeth's sweet smile left her face and glared at Leo. "Why did you leave your wallet at home?" She hissed.

Leo obviously paled but answered. "I thought it was in my pocket, sorry." He apologized. Percy and Annabeth sighed.

The restaurant's manager arrived at their table, "Uh, sir. We forgot our wallets, can we just do a favor for our payment" Annabeth reasoned. The manager sighed and argued with Annabeth.

Percy didn't pay attention at the argument; He was staring at Annabeth the whole time. Percy was admiring Annabeth, like how her nose scrunches up while handling negotiations; she was fiddling with the college ring that her father gave to her.

The manager nodded at Annabeth, he walked up to the singer in the stage and whispered something in his ear. The singer nodded and went down the stage.

Percy felt a tug in his shoulder. Annabeth was looking at him expectantly.

"What?" Percy asked. Annabeth sighed in annoyance. "You didn't listen, did you?" She asked.

"I was busy staring at you." Percy blurted, which made Annabeth blush beet red.

Piper cleared her throat. Percy looked around his friends, who were trying to hide their laughter, but failed miserably. Will was pinching himself so he can't laugh, Nico was bumping his head with the table, Jason bursts and soon after Percy's friends followed.

"What are we gonna sing?" Annabeth ignored the guy's outburst and asked Percy. Percy understood, they were singing as payment for the food that Leo should've paid. Percy sighed and whispered the song to Annabeth, she blushed again and nodded.

Percy and Annabeth walked to the stage and sat in the high stool. The singer came up to them and adjusted the microphone, while doing so, Percy scanned his surroundings. There were at least twenty people in the restaurant, some of them holding out their phones. Percy recently discovered that they were actually popular worldwide. Percy shifted his gaze to his friend's table, who were snickering and holding out a video cam. Percy stuck his tongue out to them.

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