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I can't believe it.

Well... Actually, I kind of can. I'm not worth anybody's love. I know no one could actually love me, I mean, I'm worthless.

But still... Couldn't he have at least waited until we broke up? He knew about what happened between Kyle and I.

He acted like he cared, but he didn't. He was always a good actor.

But anyways, there he was, making out with Meghan of all people, with his hand up her shirt and her hands in his pockets.

"What the fuck?" I muttered.

Meghan pulled away from Chris for a second, panting, saying, "Baby, did you her that?" before leaning her forehead on his.

"Mmm... It's probably just Kyle again." And now they're kissing again.

"DAMN IT, CHRIS!" I finally yelled after pulling myself together. He quickly shoved Meghan away, earning a whine from her.

"Shit! Johnnie, it's not what it looks like." Images of Kyle saying the same thing flashed through my mind. I quickly shook the thoughts away.

"Shut the fuck up! I trusted you!"

"You still should. She forced herself on me!"

"You're so full of shit!" I laughed bitterly. "don't you think I know the difference between ans accident and someone cheating on e!? You know what I've been through, so why couldn't you have jut broken up with me!?" I made sure to keep my voice quit so that no one would overhear and ruin the wedding.

"I love you, that's why." He responded.

"Jesus CHrist, you're such a liar!"

"But, I-"

"No. You know what just leave me alone. I never want to see you again. We're done."

Andyou know what hat bastard did?

He fucking smiled.

I ran into the bathroom, sobbing uncontrollably as soon as the door shut. I threw my jacket at the door right as it opened. I ignored it, however, and continued to sob and mutter to myself.

When the person didn't leave, however, I held my breath and looked up.

Of fucking course it's Kyle. Why wouldn't it be? He started to say something, but before he could get a full word out, I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door.

"Tell Bryan and Jordan I said congrats." I muttered as I passed. He caught up to me as I went down the hall, asking, "You're not leaving, are you?"

"We'll I'm sure as hell not staying."

"You have to!"

I spun around so we were face to face. "Why, Kyle? Because you fucking asked? Yeah, let me just push all of my feelings aside so that you can be happy. Because that's everybody's goal in life, right? to make Kyle David Hall the happiest person alive?"

"Johnnie... I know you hate me. I know that you probably won't feel otherwise for a long time, if ever. But you have to stay, if not for me, then for Bryan. He's your best friend, if you weren't there for his wedding, he would be heartbroken."

"Whatever." I grumbled. "But let's just make it completely clear that I'm doing this for Bryan, not you. You know why? Because I fucking hate you." I seethed. "Just because you tried to warn me that my boyfriend was cheating on me, does not mean I'm just going to come crawling back to you, because I will never date cheating scum like you again."

He just nodded solemnly before I turned on my heel and left.

When Ships Sail (BoyXBoy) {Kohnnie} *Sequel to YANIAMOTP*Where stories live. Discover now