Johnnie's Suicide Note

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Before I write my individual notes for you guys, I just want to say that I'm happy now. No one can hurt me here. This is what I wanted. Don't worry about m, don't miss me. It'll be great where I'm going.


I know that you always manage to notice when something is wrong(unless you're sucking face with Jordan), so i know that you noticed Kyle and I fighting. Please, don't blame him. Don't let him blame himself. It isn't his fault. It isn't anyone's fault. I don't belong in a world where everyone I love cheats on me or leaves me or something. Now nobody will have to leave me, because I'm leaving myself. My physical self at least. You were the best friend anyone could ever have, and I want to hank you for that. Once you pass, we should stay friends. See you then buddy. Good luck with Jordan.


You make Bryan really happy, I can tell. But I swear, if you ever leave him, I will haunt you until you get put in an asylum. So, take care of him. He's like a brother to me.

Shannon and Alex,

Alex, if I wasn't already dead, you would kill me for writing this, but I have to. Shannon, Alex didn't want to tell you this because she was afraid of how you would react, but she wants kids. I know you guys aren't married or anything(yet), but I think you should go for it. You'd be great moms. Good luck.

Jeydon and Damon,

You guys are so good for each other. I've never seen either of you happier. I helped you two get together in the first place, and even in death, I'm not done. You guys are getting married, and that's final. Don't even question it, just go pick out rings for each other and announce your engagement. And if you don't, I will haunt you.


I'm actually glad that you cheated, in a way. I hate to tell you, but I never loved you. I liked you a lot, but I've always loved Kyle. You were my way of telling the world I was over him, even if I wasn't. I guess I just wanted to make him jealous or something. Also, to end this in the best way possible, fuck you.

I want you all to know (except Chris) that I love you. You guys made my life bearable, thank you.

                                                                                                                                 See you in the afterlife,


                     (P.S. Please tell our fans the truth. I've always hated lying to them.)

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