Holding on *a Cody Simpson love story*

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Codys POV

I picked up Gracie bridal style. Her body was so light. Like a feather. She had a hole in her stomach the size of a penny. I could see the bullet still inside her. Her blood was flowing out like a water fall onto my new blue polo. But I didn't care. I had to save her. She was my life.

I started running as fast as I could. The thought of her dieing made my whole body go numb. My feet felt like they weighted a million tons. And with every lift they were getting heavier heavier and heavier. But I couldn't stop. It was instinct. The hospital was far away. My legs were starting to burn and feel like jello but I couldn't stop. My breath got faster and heavier. I had to save her.

It felt like hours that I was running but it had only been minutes. I burst through the hospital doors with ally force and yelled for the doctors. They came rushing and layed her down on a bed and rushed her through the doors.

This was the last straw. Weston was going to get it bye hurt her so many times. He was not going to see the end of it. I would make his life a living hell if I had to. And that's what I planned on doing.

I told the receptionist to call me once Gracie was out and better. I had thing to go do. I gave her my number and with that I was off.

I found Weston with that slut Nichole that he had made out with and hurt Gracie for. I mean this girl was a complete slut! She was wearing shorts that showed basically half her butt. Her shirt was wayyyyyy too small the bottom of it came to her belly button. Her cleavage was showing in all directions. She just did discusted me. I mean who would give there body up like that?

Weston excused himself to go to the bathroom. Perfect.

When he went into the stall I took a red marker and wrote on the mirror 'you better watch your back Weston. I see everything. '

He came out of the stall not reluzibg the mirror untill he looked up to fix his hair. He read it and his eyes widened.

"who's watching me?! Show yourself!" he demanded

I slipped a note under the door that said. 'your worst nightmare' then ran outside to the bushes.

He came out like nothing ever happened and hopped in his car. I planted a note on his dashboard that said 'you've been a very bad boy. Well now you have to pay' on it. As he read it his eyes widened and his face flushed white.

"baby what's wrong? You act like you've seen a ghost" said Nichole basically on top of him.

"it's...it's nothing" he replied

Yes I had him in the palm of my hand. He was like putty in my hands I could do whatever I wanted and he would obey. Hahaha. That's what you get from hurting my baby girl.

My phone started to ring. I answered it and it was the lady from the hospital she said that Gracie had just gotten don't with her surgery and that she was doing very well. I guess my scaring of Weston will have to be put on hold till later. I mean my girl always comes first.

When I arrived at the hospital the lady welcomed me in and showed me to gracies room. I opened the door and there she was. Her lifeless body just lieing there. Her cesnut hair sitting on her body. Her petite hands laying on her stomach.

I walked over to her and picked up one of her hands. It was cold. I held it in my hand. Her hands were so little compared to mine. Just like a baby's. She looked so fragile. She looked like she could go away any second now just poof.

Her heart minutes was slow and steady. I raised her hand and held it to my chest.

"you feel that? It beats for you. I love you Gracie. Forever and a day baby girl. I promise from now on I will always always ALWAYS be there for you. No matter what. "

Her heart minutes started to speed up. What was happening?! I raced to get the doctor. He said she was feeling terror in her coma and there was nothing the could do. It could be from memories from the past or a look into the future that is scaring her they don't know. But she was at risk very high risk of being scared to death literately.

Holding on *a Cody Simpson love story*Where stories live. Discover now