Holding on *a Cody Simpson love story*

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here you guys go just like I promised! I hope it's better than the last one!


I woke up to my alarm clock blaring Gucci Gucci by Kreayshawn. Today was the day Codys tour started I couldn't wait to see what he loved doing. The sun was beaming through the window. I had to get up before dawn to get ready.

I eased towards the shower dragging along the hardwood floor. I reached the shower and turned on the hot water and stepped in. The hot water hit my back like a bunch of little dancers doing leaps on my back. It was heavenly. I washed my hair and body with my pomegranate shampoo conditioner and body wash.

I walked back to my room to decide what to wear. I didn't have much to choose from because I had packed most of my clothes. I decided to just go in my pajamas because all the clothes I had left where really ugly. Like turtle necks. Bleh. I hate turtle necks.

I got dressed in my pink and white flannel pajama bottoms and a matching black tee shirt that had my old schools baseball team logo on it. I had bought the shirt from my friend Bryan who was raising money for them to build an indoor batting cage. I should give him a call I miss him...

By that time it was eight an all o my friends get up early so I gave him a ring.

Riiiiiinnnnnnggggggg. Hmmm. Riiiiiiinnnnnnngggggg. Come on pick up. Riiiiinnnnng.


"heyy Bryan it's me Gracie!"

"Gracie who?"

"Gracie Rossi "


"heyy Bryan!" I said chuckling

"heyy how have you been?? Jeez I haven't talked to you inforever!"

"I know well I'm about to go on a road trip with my boyfriend Cody ad I was picking out an outfit today and I found te baseball shirt I bought from you and chose that and I thought I should give you a ring!"

"wow you still have that? That was like forced ago! Well I'm glad you found it I miss you!"

"I miss you to Bryan and guess what!"

"your a ninja!"


"you made a new language??"

"no bream th---" I wasn't able to finish bedew he intrrupped me.


"yes that's what I hav called to tell you about!" I said sarcastically.

"yes I knew it!" he said excitedly. I don't think e got my sarcasm......

"no Bryan the first town we are going to is Knoxville! I'm gonna see you! Maybe...."

"oh yeas! We should meet ylup totally! Well I got to go got me some baseball practice see you then tell me when you et here!"

"okay will do!"

I hung up te phone after that. Bryan was such an interesting kid. Like seriously where did he get hat I am a rainbow ninja unicorn calling him to ask if he wants to help me defeat the evil professor penguin?!?!?!

Just at that thought the door bell rang. I ran down stairs to open the door to reveal the guy I am in love with. My Cody.

His tour bus was parked in te driveway he rope me move my thing into the bus a then we were off.

Alli Cody Greyson and I were all singing road trip songs when we felt a jerk. Not a slight jerk. I real huge jerk. Then a smashing sound. Then we all went into the air all weightless. We were freefalling. Off of a bridge. Down tithe rocks below. Time seemed to go by in slow motion.

Cody came over to me and wrapped his arms around my body an huddled around me. Greyson did the same thing to Alli. I hated that they were doing this to us. I would rather die than have Cody die for me. I don't know about Alli but this didn't feel right to me. But it was to late.

We hit the ground and pain surged all throughout my body. Our body flopped all around the livid room prt of the bus. Once we stopped I looked over at Alli and Greyson. The impact had thrown them apart and try were all sprawled out but till next to each other. I looked back at Cody which was very painful for me I think I had broke my neck.

I let out a scream which I knew wouldn't help. Cody grasped my waist tighter. He was still locked onto me

"don't ......worry......I'm here...." he choked out of his bruised lips.

He lips met mine and they moved oh so slightly but he still managed to make it feel like everythin wa gonna be okay. I hugged his arms that were still around my waist and closed my eyes.

I herd the faint noise of sirens in the distance. I felt arms warp around mine tugging and Cody arms to get off of me. They voiding defeat his grasp. The it lay both of us ofeter on an extra large strecher. Together. The rolled us into the ambulance and off we went.

*later that day*. Codys POV

I woke up Grace was latig on the bed next to me. He looked so weak so fraile. He heart meter was beating slow. And getting slower and slower ad then....beeeeeeeppppppp. It flatlined.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I let out a painful cry


I climbed out of my bed to have my legs collapse under me but I didn't care. I shook gracies lifeless body.

"WAKE UP GRACIE! WAKE UP!!!!" screamed as had to wake up.

"wake up Gracie you have to.....I need you!" I yelled while tears cascaded down my scarlet red cheeks. There was no response. I had to face the facts. Gracie was dead.

"I love you gracie.... I always will.....I will never love again...." I said crying.

Doctors came rushing in and pines her bed out of the room and put me bcd on my bed.


"sir calm down and get back on the bed!"


"sir calm down! An go back to bed!"

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I said trying to push past him but e was stronger then me. He held me down in the bed while another sedated me sending me off to sleep. All I could think about was Gracie. My Gracie.


what dd y'all think?! I was crying while I wrote this because I wa imagining it in my head like a movie I mean if you didn't do that and it didn't get to you go back and imagine him doin all this and then it will get to you if it doesn't PM me and I'll mention you or something in the next chapter for bei so tough! I'm not tough haha I'm such a softy! I love y'all!


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