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It's been two weeks since I last saw Kyle, the beach ended up being a good day. After our talk he maintained being nice to me or at least his version of i Everyone went out for some food afterwards but they took me home first because I needed to study before class the next day.

Today is Friday and Rowan is taking me to a house party and I'm guessing that Kyle will be there. Wonder if it will be awkward between us, it normally is but I've not seen him is so long. He probably doesn't remember to be quite honest. I've been focusing on my college work for the past two weeks and I've hardly seen anyone. Rowan has been staying with her boyfriend and just pops in to get her stuff every now and then. So I have the whole room to myself which is nice.

I've just finished class and it was okay but didn't have anyone next to me so didn't have anyone to talk to, Kyle hasn't been to English in the past few weeks - apparently he is was in England and arrived today according to Rowan. I'm on my way back to my room and as soon as I walk in I see her with all of her stuff.

"Hey." I say and look at her sitting on her bed with her head down, not noticing me.

"Oh hi Em." She silently says as I move over to her and sit next to her.

"Everything okay?" I ask her and she nods her head slightly before she moves a strand of her hair and finally looks up at me and I can see that she's been crying.

"Aw Raisen come here." I say as I extend my arms out to her and she leans in. "What happened?" I decide to ask her. She stays silent for a few minutes before she answers.

"Keegan and I had a fight and a bad one at that." She continues to tell me all that happened and what was said during their fight.

"Did he not believe that you stayed at Natasha's?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "He was mad because I was staying with him and then that night I didn't come back to his or reply to him or answer his calls."

"Can I ask why didn't you?"

"I don't know, I was too drunk but I'm not lying I did stay with Natasha at her parents place. He just doesn't want to ask her."

"He doesn't want people to know about your fight?" I ask and she nods as she starts to cry again.

"You'll be okay, you love each other and hopefully things will work out."  I tell her as she looks up at me and before she can say anything our door opens revealing him.

"Uh hey... did I come at a bad time?" He asks as he looks at her crying.

"Can I talk to you outside?" I ask and he nods, and I follow him outside and close the door behind us.

"Is she okay?"

"She's been better."

"What happened?"

"Erm lets go somewhere and talk?" I ask him, don't really want to be standing outside my room while I tell him.

"Yeah let's go."

"I'm just going to let her know." I say and open the door and see her sleeping.

"It's fine she's sleeping, where we going?" I ask him as I meet him outside and get inside his car.

"Well we have party to go to in about three hours so we have three hours to kill."

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