Chapter 4

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This picture is the Earth Kingdom! Btw, sorry that I didn't mention this earlier, every new character that are introduced in each chapter, I will have their pictures at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

It's morning now but Pisces is still in bed. But the door suddenly opens and the maids came rushing in. Before Pisces could know it, she was being dragged out of bed. Pisces was shocked and confused and tired. The maids were trying to dress Pisces up, while Pisces try to resist it. After 10 minutes of struggling, the maids finally finished. Pisces was dressed in a very light armor, so she'll be able to move in it. "What's all this?" Pisces asked. But none of the maids answered. They dragged her all the way out to the courtyard where she met the other water zodiacs there.

        "That armor suits you very well." Cancer compliment Pisces. "Y-Y-Y-You!" Pisces yelled, pointing at Cancer. "HaHaHaHa about yesterday night, sorry I didn't get a chance to apologize."cancer said. "What do you mean?" Pisces said "Well you didn't came into the male's bathtub on accident" cancer smiled and continue "it was me who changed the signs. I know you were about to come and take a bath so I changed them.". "Why would you do that?" Pisces blushed. "HaHaHaHa it was just for fun, clam down, it's not like I wanted to check you out or something" said cancer while lowering his eyes on Pisces. Pisces blushes and without knowing she threw her fist at him but he blocked. Before Pisces could attack again, Scorpio stopped them. "I'm sorry, Pisces please just ignore him for now." Pisces took her attention off of cancer and asked "why am I dressed like this." Then a voice answered "Because you are now my knight" said Selena "Pisces, all 3 of the water zodiac will become my knights, just like the other zodiac, to their element ruler. I am the ruler of water, which is your element, therefore you will be my knight." Without questioning anything Pisces humbly accepted it. Pisces remember Colius telling her about this. "Pisces, get on your horse and let's go!" Cancer yelled. "Oh, coming! Pisces got on a horse and says her goodbye to Selena and went towards the gates.

        "But wait! Where are we going!" Pisces asked, "Scorpio, tell her." Cancer said. But Scorpio just glared at him. "Ok, ok, I'll tell her. So there has been some trouble in a forest near the Earth kingdom, Selena has ordered us to go and help investigate, along with the earth zodi- Hey! Are you even paying attention?" "Oh I'm sorry." Pisces apologize. Cancer then asked "Why are you starring at Scorpio like that?" "Oh I was just wondering-" Scorpio cut her off and said "We're here."

        "Whoa, it's beautiful." Pisces said. "Welcome to the Earth Kingdom!" Taurus greeted them. "This way please" The water zodiac followed Taurus. Taurus took them to the outside of the forest. Virgo and Capricorn were already there. They greeted each other. Virgo then explain to them what happened. "There has been tons of report from hunters saying that they can hear children laughing while camping for the night and little children playing near the forest had gone missing for the past few days. So we are here to find out what happened to the children and where these laughters are coming from." "Whoa, that sounds scary." Said cancer. Virgo reply "Well, for the safety of the people, we have to do this, besides this isn't the first time you have to do something like this, cancer. Ok let's split into 3 teams. Scorpio and Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus, me and Pisces." "Wait hold up, I want to be with Pisces." Capricorn opposed. "Fine, I'll go with Scorpio and you with Pisces, but be careful, Pisces's new so look after her." Said Virgo. So they split up and went to investigate from different directions.

        As the zodiac got deeper into the forest, the air got thicker, and soon they ended up wondering in a fog. Without them knowing, they began to lose each other. Capricorn and Pisces can no longer see or hear each other, the same thing happen with the other teams. When Pisces notice that Capricorn was no longer in sight, she tried yelling her name "Capricorn! Capricorn! Capi-mmh!" Someone have covered her mouth, it was Scorpio. "Where's Virgo?" Pisces asked, "I don't know, I've lost him in this thick fog. I'm assuming the same thing happened with you and Capricorn."Scorpio said. "Yeah." Pisces nodded and said "We should go and fine them." Scorpio then said "Sure, but just so that we don't get lost, let's hold hand." Pisces looked at Scorpio then looked away and said "Let's not." "Why?" Scorpio asked. "Because, it would feel weird to hold hands, so instead" Pisces picked up a stick and continue "how about you hold onto this end of the stick, and I'll hold on to the other end.". "Sure, I'm okay with that." Scorpio replied. So they kept on walking to find the others. But as they kept on walking the air got thinner and thinner. "Hey Scorpio, it's a little strange, the air is suddenly getting thinner." Pisces said. "Yeah, I've noticed that too." But as they kept on walking, they suddenly stopped. There was a tall and big figure in front of them. They knew it wasn't the other zodiacs, so they slowly try to move backwards, trying not to make a sound. Until Pisces bumped into something behind her. Pisces put her hand on it to feel it, it was scaly, big, and smooth. "It's a giant snake" Pisces thought and she was move towards Scorpio. Then something suddenly attacked Pisces. "Ugh!". Pisces fell to the ground. Scorpio helped her up. Pretty soon the fog went away and what was in front of them was a 100 years old Golden Snake! Pisces and Scorpio had their eyes wide open. Pisces was shocked to see one of the legendary snake here. "How will we be able to defeat it? This is A legendary snake!" Pisces said. "A what?! Legendary snake!? But they don't exist anymore." Scorpio said while trying to protect Pisces from the snake's next attack. "But they do, people just don't see them anymore because they are just hiding from us." Then Cancer and Virgo appeared. "Are you guys all right?" Cancer screamed. The snake then attack again. Virgo jumped in front of it trying to block it but instead he got hit. "This little snake is too strong!" Virgo yelled. Scorpio and Cancer were shocked. "What? This is just a little snake! But it's huge and so powerful!" Cancer yelled while trying to attack the snake. "Yeah golden snake can live over millions of years and can even grow 10 times bigger than this." Pisces said trying to dodge the next attack. "How do you guys know all these stuff?" Scorpio asked sending an attack to the snake. "Well I have been researching about them for a while now." Virgo replied. "I learned about them when I was about 10 years old." Said Pisces. But before Pisces know it, she was hit again. She fell but was caught by someone, it was Taurus. "You're late!" Virgo complained. "Clam down Virgo, we just got a little lost in the fog." Taurus put Pisces down and try to heal her when the snake attack again. But Capricorn came in and was able to block it, but she did took quite a lot of damage from it. "Sorry we're late to the party!" Capricorn said. The snake then slam Capricorn against a tree.

         They fought for a while until Virgo suddenly said "wait, somethings not right, the snake is only attacking the girls." "Now that you mention it, Pisces and Capricorn are the only who's hurt!" Cancer said. "But why?" Taurus asked. "I don't know." Virgo said. "Hey you guys, I'm tired, let's try a different method to defeat it." Pisces suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and stopped. Pisces then told Scorpio to approach it. "Why me?" Scorpio said, "just do it." Pisces ordered. Scorpio gently approached it and the snake suddenly turn into a little. girl. "Ah ha! I knew it! This snake is a female!" Pisces said. "But what does it have to do with anything?" Taurus asked. "The legendary Golden snake is one of the most clingy snakes. Since there aren't many like it, so most of them felt very lonely. And since she is still a child, she would want to play the other children, so she try to lure in the missing children. But this one is quite sassy, she only like boys that's way she only attack me and Capricorn." Pisces explained. "Wait but how did you know the missing children are all boys." Virgo asked with a suspicious face, since only he knows that. "It was hunch." Pisces replied. "Hey, you, little girl, so is that why the children are missing?" Scorpio said. "I have a name you know! I'm Lily, I'm 100 years old. I was so lonely, I just wanted to play with them, and boys are very cute!" Lily said. Taurus approached the girl and said "I know you're lonely but the little boys are missing their parents, you have to let them go, I'll promise that if you let them go, I'll come and play with you, okay?" "Fine, but can I go home with you too?" Lily said. "Sure you can, I'll also play with you!" Capricorn said with a smile. Lily hissed at Capricorn and said " I'm not playing with you, you old hag!" Capricorn was shocked at her language and got mad "Look you little-" but Virgo stopped her from saying any too harsh. "Well now the problem is solved, what about the laughter at night?" Virgo said. "Oh those are just the Fairies that come to play with us at night." Lily answered. "Well now everything has been solved, let's get out of here, I'm hungry." Taurus said.

         So everyone got out of the forest and reported this to Queen Mary. Lily let the all little boys go and followed Taurus home and the water zodiac went back to the water kingdom. "I'm beat!" Pisces said. "No literally, I'm beat, lily sure hit hard." "Haha, I'm glad I wasn't a girl." Cancer tease her. "By the way, Pisces why did you look at Scorpio like that, this morning?" "Well I was just wondering-" Scorpio cut her off again and said "We're here." And so Pisces never got to say it and they all went back to the castle.

This is a picture of Lily as a snake and her human form! I'm sorry the picture of her in snake form doesn't have the best quality but it's the best I could find that is close to what I imagined her be.

This is a picture of Lily as a snake and her human form! I'm sorry the picture of her in snake form doesn't have the best quality but it's the best I could find that is close to what I imagined her be

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