Chapter 21

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    While Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn are searching for Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra are wondering around the water kingdom streets. Capricorn was searching for Pisces at market until she encountered Cancer's group. "Why are you all alone? Where are the others?" Aries asked. "Pisces got lost and now we are searching for her." Capricorn explain. "What? Pisces's lost? How can she get lost in her own kingdom? Doesn't she know all the places of the water kingdom, or at least most of it?" Aries was confused. Then Cancer laughed nervously and said "Actually Pisces doesn't know much about the water kingdom. She only know the places that I or Scorpio have taken her too, otherwise she is mostly inside the walls of the castle." "Well in that case let's find her before something bad happens." Taurus said. "But wait! Can't we just send her a letter and ask where she is?" said Aquarius. "Oh yeah we could do that too." Capricorn said. "Cancer, you send her the letter." "Oh okay then." Cancer used his magic and sent Pisces a letter asking for her location.

Cancer and the others waited for a reply. But a minute later, the letter that cancer sent to Pisces came back with a note. It says:
               The person you're trying to reach is not in this world anymore. Therefore this letter can not reach them.
"What! Does this means she's dead?" Aries panicked and Cancer started crying. Just then Virgo and Leo shows up. "Why are they doing that?" Virgo asked Taurus while pointing his finger at Aries and Cancer. Taurus give Virgo the note and said "They think Pisces died" Virgo burst into laughter and said "What? Pisces did not die, she's probably in another dimension. If she really died, Queen Selena would have know and took immediate actions and we would be sent back to our kingdom immediately." "But how can she be in another dimension?" Cancer asked. "I don't know, let's go find the other zodiac and report it to Queen Selena."

Taurus,Virgo, Leo, Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, and Aries went and looked for the others. They found Sagittarius, libra, and Gemini in clothing store, they explained everything to them and they lead them to Scorpio. Once they've told Scorpio about Pisces, they all headed to Queen Selena.

"Your highness, it seems like Pisces is in another world." Virgo explained everything to the queen. "Hmm, that's weird, you can't move to a different dimension that easy. Going into a different dimension, you'll need at least one of the zodiac gemstone to move to though dimensions. And Pisces doesn't have the Aquamarine with her." Selena said. "But didn't she move through dimension by herself last time?" Sagittarius asked. "That was because she still have the aquamarine. When she first came to our dimension, the aquamarine was still with her." "So how did she move to a different dimension?" Taurus asked. "But Queen Selena isn't there another way to move through dimensions without the Zodiac gemstones?" Capricorn asked. "Actually there is another way. But Pisces couldn't have been able to do it. It requires too much power for anyone....except the the five most powerful wizards." Selena answered. "But that's not possible, the moon wizard and the sun wizard turned themselves to powerful forces to lock up the star wizard and dark wizard." Aquarius said. "But there's still the light wizard isn't there?" Libra said. "It's not the light wizard." Selena sighs and said "Actually, the light wizard have already passed away. The reason why he disappeared during the war was because he took Pisces when she was still a baby and he took her to the spirit world and raised her there. Pisces came back to earth was because the light wizard had died and told her to come here. So it couldn't be the light wizard." "Oh so that's where the light wizard was all that time?" Cancer asked "Yes, the past 18 years, the light wizard was with Pisces in the spirit world. But from what Pisces have told me, it seems like the light wizard wasn't a bad person. But before we take this any farther, let's inform the other rulers as well. Do not let anyone else know about this." The zodiac nodded and and went to inform their rulers.

Sorry for not updating sooner, I just got caught on a Chinese historical fantasy drama that I really like, it's call "The Journey of Flower". I'm quite addicted to it.

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