Chapter 23

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The star wizard and the light wizard agree to join the dark wizard. They planned every thing together, getting all zodiac gemstones would be too hard so they only target the aquarium. When the moon and sun wizard found out about this, they rushed to the rulers of the kingdoms and warned them. But no one believed them, this hurts the two wizards very much because no one believes them so they decided to go somewhere far away. The Dark Eclipse finally attacked the kingdoms and now everyone regret not believing the moon and sun wizards. The rulers fought back and the war started. Of course Lazarus, the dark wizard knew about the zodiacs and he also knew he couldn't win against them, so he picked that specific time, where the zodiac are just about to be reborn, to attack. With the zodiac temporary gone, so are the gemstones. This give Lazarus time to get rid of the rulers. He took that time to battle against the four kingdoms. And while there are battles going on, he sent spies to spy on the people to see if the zodiacs are born yet. Starting from Arise, the zodiacs were slowly started to be born again. After 12 years, Pisces was finally born into a small village in the water kingdom. News spread quickly and the spies went and told Lazarus about this. Lazarus then attacked the water kingdom and the other kingdoms came to help.

      The news of the last zodiac being born have also reached the moon and sun wizards. This causes them to decided to return to help humankind. The two wizards reunited with the humans and attacked the Dark Eclipse. At the same time the light wizard and Pisces disappeared, no one knew where they went. The kingdoms could not go against Lazarus any longer so they came up with the solution of sacrificing the moon and sun wizards to replace the aquarium. The two wizards were willing to give up their life to protect the humans. That night they turned themselves into energy force and the rulers used the zodiac gemstones and the two wizards energy force to lock away the Dark Eclipse. It was a success but the rulers knew it would not last forever so after they have passed away and we, the current rulers took the thorn and they passed this message to us." King Ge took out the letter and read it to the zodiacs. "When we locked away the Dark Eclipse, we all knew it will not last forever. But even though it will not last forever, it should give you enough time to find the aquarium and Pisces. Please find the last zodiac and destroy the Dark Eclipse for good." King Ge then looked at the zodiacs to see their reaction.

     Everyone was the in shocked. But quickly snapped out of it. "So they have escaped?" Capricorn asked. The rulers nodded yes. "And they were the one who took Pisces?" Cancer asked. The rulers nodded yes again. "Well what are you waiting for? Let's go save Pisces!" Leo said. "Leo is correct, we should go save Pisces." Queen Liz agreed with  Leo. "Oh okay people, let's go get ready." Sagittarius said. And everyone cheered and got all excited to save Pisces.

    Everyone got ready and had their weapons and armor on. Then they headed to the tallest mountain to send the zodiac knight off there. "Ok you guys will go and save Pisces while us rulers will stay behind to protect earth." Queen Mary told them. "Here are all your gemstones" the rulers handed the gemstones to the zodiac Knights. "Take good care of them and here is Pisces's gemstone." Selena give the aquarium to Scorpio. "Scorpio, I intrust the aquarium to you to protect also." Scorpio bow to Selena and said "thank you, your highness." "The aquarium should be able to lead you guys straight to Pisces's location." The zodiacs nodded and they opened up the portal and they all jump in. "Well now that they all left, let's return, we can't let any danger come to this world without the zodiacs present." King Ge said and they all returned to their kingdoms to tighten security and protection.

Sid story had a summer theme for a while already but when I first saw this summer themed card, I knew I gotta have this card! And for those who don't remember, I used the original form of this card as Aries, it's in the introductions.

Sid story had a summer theme for a while already but when I first saw this summer themed card, I knew I gotta have this card! And for those who don't remember, I used the original form of this card as Aries, it's in the introductions

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