Chapter 2

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This picture up here is the fire kingdom! Well part of it. You can imagine how big the kingdom are. It up to you to imagine it. But this is how I would imagined my fire kingdom. Please enjoy! :D

       Pisces has finally arrived on earth. But when she got there, she was in a forest. The trees were beautiful and the sound of nature was relaxing. Pisces thought it would be a good idea to rest a bit since it has been a tough day for her. So Pisces went and lay under a tall tree. She closed her eyes slowly. Only after a few minutes there was a sound, "it's the sound of an arrow" thought Pisces. She stood up and looked  around to see what it was. Then out from nowhere appears a lady on a horse. The lady looked deep into Pisces's purple eyes, then smile. "Welcome to the fire kingdom!...........Pisces" yelled the lady. "How do you know my name?" Pisces asked. "By looking at your eyes of course! Didn't you know that you can tell if you are a zodiac and what zodiac by looking at people's eyes. A zodiac person will have their zodiac stars in their eyes, you can see them if you look closely. Try looking at mine and guess which zodiac I am." Pisces looked into her eyes and saw the stars "You're Sagittarius! From the fire kingdom!" Yelled Pisces. "Yep, I'm the greatest knights from the Fire Kingdom" Sagittarius said confidently. "But Colius said that all fire signs are arrogant" Pisces said calmly. "What! How dare him! Well whatever, so Pisces why are you here, shouldn't you be at the Water kingdom?" "Well it's a long story" "it's okay I'll listen" so Pisces told her what happened and Sagittarius was more then happy to help. Sagittarius took Pisces back to the castle to met with their Queen Liz.
         "What! Pisces had been found! In the Fire Kingdom! Where is she, bring her to me, and call over Queen Selena, she needs to know about this." Said Queen Liz. The servant rush to send a message to the water kingdom. And soon the news spread through out the four kingdoms. King Ge and Queen Mary Heard this news and immediately went over to the fire kingdom. "So you are Pisces, the lost and last zodiac" "I know I'm the last zodiac but why am I lost, may I ask, your highness?" "Well didn't you know, that the Pisces sign went missing 18 years ago after the war in the water kingdom against the Dark Wizard?" "No" said Pisces with a surprise and confused look on her face. "Please tell me more" before Queen Liz could say anything "STOP!" Someone yelled from the door way.
           It was Queen Selena with Cancer and Scorpio. "I will tell you what happens once we get back to our kingdom. But thank you queen Liz for finding her." "Well I do have the best zodiac knights" queen Liz boasted. "So you wanna go again at this!?" Said queen Selena with one eyebrow twitching. " Oh would you guys stop it" said another voice coming from behind Selena. It was King Ge and Queen Mary. "We all know who's got the best, it's me HaHaHaHa!" Laughs King Ge but then queen Mary disagree and an argument erupted. "Shut up!" Libra yelled "I am so sick and tired of you guys arguing about this topic all the time, we have more important things to talk about!" "Like what?" Asked King Ge. No one expects Pisces was shocked at his reply, since he was always this rude, Everyone even wonder how he even become a King. "Oh right. Welcome back Pisces. " with a smile on his face, he walks over to Pisces and put out his right hand expecting Pisces to put out her hand but instead Pisces, with a disgusted face, slowly walked away. "Oh HaHaHaHa! It seems like she doesn't like you" Selena said mocking King Ge. Embarrassed, King Ge wept away the tears that had fell, and went up to Selena and said " I'm looking forward to this year's battle between the four kingdom" and went back home after his good byes. "Oh yes, this year's battle will be exciting because now that the last zodiac is now here, I wonder how strong you'll be." Queen Mary said looking at Pisces. Then with her good byes and greetings to Pisces, she went back home. "Well, we should get going as well." Said Selena. She took Pisces and the others and left. Queen Liz and Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius are all alone in the thorn room. Then Liz exploded. "How dare they all come here, to my kingdom, and not even greet me!" Leo then said "it's fine your highness, we'll get them back at the battle of the four kingdoms".

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