Chapter 6

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While Cancer and Scorpio were searching for Pisces, Pisces was having fun eating in a food contest against Gemini. Of course at the end Gemini won, but Pisces did her best. She only participated was because she was hungry and the food was free, but Gemini participated because he wanted to win. The prize for winning was one year of free food. "Oh no, I ate too much, I'm going to explode!" Gemini said while touching his belly. Pisces laughed at his comment and asked "So is the streets usually this crowded?" "Well no, today is the lanterns festival, and lots of people are celebrating it." Gemini said. "Oh how cool, what do you guys do at a lantern festival?" Pisces asked Gemini. Gemini responded "We play games such as these" Geminis pointed at a stand " We do lots of contest like the one we just did, but the best of all is when it gets dark and we light up lanterns and sent it away to the sky or like some, they sent it floating on rivers. And by living up here, we, the people of the air kingdom get the best view of when they let the lanterns off." "Whoa that is awesome, I want to send off a lantern too!" Pisces said. "Well then let's go and make our own!" Gemini said with a smile. Then Pisces realize something, "Hey Gemini, I haven't seen the other air zodiacs all day, where are they?"

     Gemini then frown and looked away and looked back at Pisces with a terrified face and cried "Oh Pisces! I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm actually trying to avoid them because this morning I accidentally destroyed all of their most expensive dress, which they were planning to wear today to impress the Prince, and now they're going to kill me! Please help me!" Pisces knew that Gemini was at fault but since she felt sorry for him, she decided to help him. Pisces thought that it would be a okay since Gemini did showed Pisces lots of amazing stuff today, "I will help as thanks for showing me such amazing things today" Pisces told him, she then grab his hand and went inside a clothing store. "Okay let's dress you up." Pisces went and bought a dress, high heels, and a wig. She quickly dress him up and put some makeup on him. "Okay, you have to careful since you'll be on your own now" Pisces told him. "But why are you leaving me? Please don't leave me alone!" Gemini begged. "I wish I could but I have to go to the bathroom, so I'll be leaving you for a bit ok?" Pisces said. "Okay." Gemini responded. And so Pisces left for the bathroom, soon enough Pisces disappeared into the crowd. Gemini was uncomfortable in high heels so he looked for a place to sit, he spotted a bench under a tree and decided to walk over to it so that he could sit. But as he walked over to the bench, someone walked in front of him.

    It was Libra, Gemini was sweating like crazy. "Have you seen a guy this tall, and this thin, and has red hair?" Libra asked him. With a high pitch voice Gemini nervously answered "Um, n-n-no, I h-haven't seen anyone like that.". "Well I'm sorry to have bothered you." Libra said and walked away but as she walks pass Gemini, something caught her eyes. Libra stops and with an evil and creepy laugh, she turns to Gemini and grab him on the shoulder and whisper to his ears, "Your disguise almost fooled me, Gemini." With spins going through all over his body, he try to run for his life, but unfortunately Libra was already holding on to his clothes. Libra took off the disguise and Gemini started beg and cry " I'M SO SORRY! I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!" Then Aquarius appeared behind Gemini. "I'm dead meat!" Gemini though to himself. Gemini turned pale and his spirit started to leave his body. But gladly Pisces came running in and grab Gemini's spirit and shoved it right back into Gemini's mouth. "I'm so sorry! Please don't kill him! I know what he did to you guys but please forgive him for my sake, please!" Pisces, on her knees begging Libra and Aquarius to not kill Gemini. Libra and Aquarius looked at each other and nodded in agreement, "Fine, we will forgive him for your sake and probably King Ge's sake as well" Aquarius told Pisces. "But just this once! If he does it again, there's no telling what will happen to Gemini." Libra ended her sentence with a devil face. Pisces was so relieved and turned to Gemini and grab him by both of his shoulders and started shaking him, "Gemini! You're not going to die yet! Libra and Aquarius said that they forgives you." Hearing the last part of what Pisces said, Gemini turned back to normal and with a big smile on his face he shook Pisces's hand and said "Thank you so much Pisces! How could I ever repay you." "Well you could repay me by buying me a lantern so that I'll have one to light, when the time comes to set them off." Pisces replied. So they went to buy some lanterns along with Libra and Aquarius.

       Libra and Aquarius asked Pisces about how she got here and she told them and they were both angry at Gemini for such reckless behavior. Then the time came and it was time to set the lanterns off. It was beautiful. Pisces and the others watches as the other kingdoms set theirs off too. "Wow, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I can't believe the air kingdom has such a good view of every kingdom." Pisces said as the three of them lay on the grass. "Yep, life up here is great." Aquarius commented. "Hey, I brought some pillows and some sleeping begs, wanna sleep out here for the night?" "Sure" everyone replied. "But wait, I think I should let Queen Selena know that I'll be sleeping over here." Pisces said. "Oh yeah sure, she must be worrying about you by now." Libra told Pisces. Pisces used a spell to send her letter to Selena and got in her sleeping beg. "Btw how did you found out that the lady was Gemini?" Pisces ask Libra. Libra answered "You know how we have our stars in our eyes, well as I was about to walk pass Gemini, I saw the stars and knew it was him." and with that answer, they all went to sleep under one of the most the beautiful night of the year.

~Back at Earth Kingdom~
    Somehow Cancer and Scorpio's search for Pisces lead them into a pub in Earth Kingdom. Cancer was ugly sobbing next to Taurus, who was with them ever since they enter into Earth Kingdom and so was Virgo. "I'm sure she's fine, cancer, besides she's not that weak. She can protect herself if something bad did happen to her."Virgo said trying to cheer up Cancer. "Come on Cancer, it's getting very late you need to go home, Scorpio already left 3 hours ago." Taurus told Cancer. "How can you guys say that! Pisces has been fish-napped and none of you guys even care! She was my best friend!" Cancer said while sobbing and drinking beers. Taurus looked at Virgo and told him "This isn't going to work, we have to use force to get him out of here." Virgo nodded in agreement and both of them started to pull Cancer away but cancer held on tight to a pole. "Come on Cancer! You gotta go home! You're drunk! You've drank over 20 bottles of beers already, I'm surprised it didn't even knock you out yet!" Virgo said while struggling to get cancer to let go of the pole. But Virgo and Taurus made it, they were able to make cancer let go of the pole and Virgo quickly used teleportation to teleport them to the water kingdom. The guards let them in and the maids show them to cancer's bedroom, before they can even get there Virgo decided to knock cancer out since the alcohols won't. When they got to cancer's bedroom, Scorpio was standing outside of the door. Taurus and Virgo give cancer to Scorpio and Scorpio told them about the message Pisces has sent to Selena. " Well I'm glad that she's safe. Taurus said. "Man, cancer is heavier then he looks, well you'll have to take it from here Scorpio." Scorpio thanked them and they teleported back. Scorpio give cancer to the maids to put him back to bed and he walked back to his bedroom, he smiled a little and whisper "I'm also glad she's safe".

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