Chapter 20

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Hey you guys it probably is too late for me to apologize but, I'm sorry for not giving any chapter a proper name, and just putting in chapter 1,2,3, etc. I'm not good with give anything a name so I'm so sorry. Even the title of the book is terrible.

~Next day~
    Everything ended well last night. But the zodiac ended up sleeping over at the water kingdom. All the girls slept in Pisces's room and all the boys except Scorpio slept in Cancer's room. Scorpio was sleeping alone last night because he wouldn't let anyone sleep  in his room. In Pisces's room, Pisces and Libra were cuddling all night long, Leo ended up on the ground with Aquarius, so that means Sagittarius won the battle of "I'm going to kick you while asleep". And Capricorn slept on the couch in Pisces's room. In Cancer's room, Cancer and Virgo ended up cuddling each other even though they didn't intended to. With Gemini's wild sleeping habits, he kicked everyone off the bed last night. Aries and Taurus slept on separate couch but Aries ended up on bed because he sleeps walk but was kicked out by Gemini. While everyone had a crazy night last night, Scorpio had a very pleasant night.

Capricorn was the first to wake up, then Sagittarius, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aries, Libra, Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, and last was Gemini. "Hey now that we're all awake, how about we go explore the kingdom." Said Sagittarius excitedly. "Oh yeah, that's a good idea!" Libra agreed. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Cancer and Pisces were the one who will be giving everyone a tour while Scorpio just tag along. But after a couple of minutes, it was hard to keep everyone together so they split up into three groups. That mean Scorpio will now have to be one of the person give the others a tour. Cancer will take Taurus, Aquarius, and Aries. Scorpio will take Sagittarius, libra, and Gemini. Pisces ended up with Leo, Virgo, and Capricorn.

  How Cancer's tour went:
"Okay this way please." Cancer trying to give instructions. Everyone did as Cancer told them to do and it went very well, surprisingly, until Aquarius and Taurus started flirting . Cancer and Aries got a little awkward and decided to keep a distance between them and themselves. "What a show off! I wish Leo was here, then we can show those two how to flirt property." Aries said then he sigh. "Well it didn't work out that way but at least you have me right?" Cancer try to cheer Aries up. Cancer continue with the tour but came upon a store. "Hey who's hungry?" Cancer asked. "Now that you've mentioned it, we didn't even ate breakfast." Aquarius stated. Taurus nodded in agreement. Cancer pointed to the store and said "let's eat here, the food here are great!" "As long as it's food, I'm okay with it." Said Taurus. "If Taurus is fine with it, so am I." Aquarius said. "What about you Aries?" "Will they have high class food?" Aries asked. "Yeah they have all kinds of food here." Cancer replied. "Well then, what are you guys waiting for? Let's go eat!" Aries said running into the store. The rest walked in.

   Scorpio's tour:
"Hey Scorpio, you're supposed to take us on a tour, so why are you practicing sword fight?!" Sagittarius yelled. "Because, I don't want to give you guys a tour." "Why not?!" "Because you're a bunch of idiots" Libra gaps "I'm not an idiot!" "If you're not a idiot, then why don't you use a map and stop bothering me." "Then tell us where the map is." Scorpio stopped what he was doing and pointed to where the map was. "They were behind you, (whisper) idiots." Sagittarius, Libra, and Gemini turned around to see that there was a map right behind them. Sagittarius took the map. "Thank you very much!" Sagittarius said to Scorpio sarcastically. And they left the training ground and just follow the map instead.

    Pisces's tour:
The first thing Pisces's group did was to eat breakfast. Pisces then took them to some of the places that Pisces think is very fun. They went to every store they have encountered with. They had lots of fun although Leo took the lead halfway though the tour, Pisces ended up following Leo and Virgo, and Pisces just tell them anything they didn't know. Shortly after Leo took the lead, Pisces started to wonder off and soon she got lost. "Pisces, can you please tell me where the library is?......Pisces?" Virgo turned around to see that Pisces is no longer there. "Um, Leo, I think we lost Pisces." Virgo tapped Leo on the shoulder. Leo turned around and didn't see Pisces. "Well where is she?" Leo asked. "If I knew why would I ask you?" Virgo said. "Capricorn, did you see her?" "I saw her turn that way." Capricorn said and pointed to the way Pisces went. "Let's go and find her before Cancer find out, who knows what he'll do if he find out that Pisces is lost." Leo said. "How can she get lost in her own kingdom?" Capricorn asked, "well judging from what I can see in her, I'm guessing that she doesn't go out much, so it's likely that she's lost." said Virgo. "Let's start searching then" Capricorn said and they split up to find Pisces.

Good news people (at least for me) I was made president of my circle in the game Sid Story! I think the former president quit and give it to me. I was so surprised! I'll work hard! 💪🏼

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