Chapter 9

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The picture above is the bleeding mushroom. They're real.

Pisces and cancer flew back to fire kingdom and went to search for some fire cakes. But they weren't familiar with the place so they went around asking for help. They finally found the place where they make fire cakes. "Yes! Finally I can have some fire cakes." Pisces said with stars sparking in her eyes. Cancer smiled and agreed. "By the way how did you know about fire cakes, you weren't here for that long and you spend most of your time in water kingdom too.". "Oh remember when that day where I came back home from being "fish-napped" and we were in the library talking." Pisces said. "Hey it's true, you were fish-napped by Gemini. He took you without my permission!" Cancer said puffing his cheeks. Pisces giggled and continue "After you left the library, I went and looked around and saw a book about foods around the world. I just happened to stumble upon fire cakes and got interested.". After their little talk they went inside the store and sat down. A waiter came and they ordered four pieces of fire cakes. "Hey Cancer, have you eaten fire cakes before?" Pisces asked. "Once, when I had to come here for my first mission." Cancer said. "Cool, can you tell me the story?" Pisces asked.

      Yeah sure. So it all started when I first enter the water castle. There is when I first met Queen Selena in person. I was 11 back then. Because the zodiacs were born to serve the ruler of their element and become their knights, I started training at that age. After I have mastered the basics at age 15, Selena send me to search for a mushroom." "A mushroom?" Pisces asked with confusion. "Yeah a mushroom, but it's not just any mushroom, it's the bleeding mushroom. It only grows in the fire kingdom. It use to be very common for it to grow everywhere in the fire kingdom but because of it's poison, we had to destroy it. Too many people died from it." The waiter came and placed the cakes in front of them. "Enjoy." The waiter said and left. They started eating and Cancer continue "it was me, Aries, Gemini and Taurus. We made a pretty good team but it didn't last long. It was an easy mission, so we finished quickly." "Did you guy destroyed all of it?" Pisces asked. "No, not all of it. We were ordered to leave only about 5 of them. They're rare nowadays, the bleeding mushrooms may be dangerous but it's quite useful. Its use as medicine for a rare disease. A rare medicine for a rare disease. So after the mission Aries took us to the fire castle and we ate some fire cakes as celebration for our very first mission." Cancer explained. "Wow that's so cool! I wish I was there. I wonder what the mushrooms look like." Pisces commented. "You can see them at the fire castle, when we destroyed the mushrooms, the remaining, we replanted them in a room in the castle for safety reasons. If you want we can go see them." Cancer said. "Oh no thank you, I've already bothered you enough today, I must be quite annoying to you by now" Pisces said. "No, I don't find you annoying at all! I actually find it cute!" Cancer said with a big smile. Pisces blushed "T-Thank you." She said nervously. "Well I think we should get going anyway." She suggested. "Scorpio must be worried." "True, Scorpio may seem emotionless but inside he is such a caring guy!" Cancer said. Pisces nodded in agreement and they pay the bills and left.

~Back at water kingdom~
Scorpio is walking in the hallway searching for Pisces and cancer. "Where are those two emotional idiots go!" Scorpio thought to himself. He is angry that he couldn't find them. "I can never take my eyes off of those two at all, can't I" Scorpio said with a sigh and looked over to the window across from him. He then spotted cancer and Pisces flying in and was about to land in front of the castle gates. "Tsk. What did they do." Scorpio finished his sentence and went over to the gates.

~At the gate~
     Cancer help Pisces down and send the dragon back to its nest. "I'm glad we didn't encounter a sea monster again." Pisces said and cancer agreed. They walked back to the castle. As they were walking in the hallway talk to each other, they encounter Scorpio. "Where were you two?" He asked. "Mmm...we went to the fire kingdom to eat some fire cakes." Pisces said. "That's it?" Scorpio asked again with a cold expression. "Yep, that's it." Cancer said. "Come here, I got something for the two of you." Scorpio told them to follow him. Pisces and cancer senses that if they follow Scorpio, something bad would happen but they follow him anyway because Scorpio seems to be too angry to oppose. Scorpio lead them to the library, they all enter the library and there was a bunch of books stacked on top of each other. Each book was from 2-4 inches thick. "You two will be reading all of these book until you finished it all. This is your punishment for having too much free time." Scorpio said. Cancer's and Pisces's jaws dropped and Pisces suddenly said "But what's wrong with having too much free time, and why are you doing this?" "What's wrong is that you two are having too much time to go play around and not enough to train. The battle is next week and yet you two aren't putting much effort into it. These books will teach you about all different kind of skills and magics." After that Scorpio left, leaving Pisces and cancer alone in the library. "Well, I guess we have to do what he saids if we wanna live." Cancer said and Pisces agreed. They both spent the whole entire afternoon and night studying in the library.

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