They Find Out the Truth... Kinda?

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I woke up with a hand puzzling into my face. "Refreshing." I muttered sarcastically into the big hand. I pushed it away, causing Connor to stir awake.

"Huh? What? Who's dead?" He asked, jumping up into some crane karate position.

"No one's dead, but you were about to be if you didn't take your stinky hand out of my face" I whined, skipping into his arms. "Mornin' bestie westie!" I screamed.

"Mornin' bestie westie mestie!" He screamed even louder. I threw myself over his shoulder, into the fireman carry.

"To the kitchen, peasant!" I shouted, pointing behind me with me thumb. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist and skipping into the kitchen. "Hey! Only I can skip, it's the law." I pouted as he put me down. He messed up my knotty sleep hair, causing it to get even more messier (I'm wasn't even sure if that was possible, but apparently, it was.).

"I'm going to go shower, I'll be right back. Just get your clothes out of the dryer and you can wear those." He said, walking away.

"OKAY!!!" I screamed, running to the dryer.

As soon as I finished putting on my clothes...

Knock knock.

Who would be here at ten in the morning?

Knock knock knock.

No, seriously, who could it be?

Knock, knockidy knock knock, KNOCK KNOCK.

Jeez, someone's Damn persistent.


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!" I screamed. I saw all of the boys about a foot away from me. Except Harry, of course. He just kept knocking on my forehead, as if I weren't even there.

"I suggest you take that hand away before I rip it off myself." I growled. He instantly cowered back. "What are you doing here? And how did you find me?" I hissed, still mad at Harry for the persistent knocking in my head.

"Well- uh, you see- we might have, kinda, maybe-"

"Just spit it out already!" I yelled at Liam. He looked at Zayn for help.

"Wekindamaybefollowedyouhomelastnightbecausewewereworriedaboutyou?" Zayn,said, unsure.

At PERFECT timing, Connor came out in a colorful tank top and some khakis with Toms. "Um... Hello? Who are these people, Jules?" He said, whispering the last sentence to me.

"Who is this, your boyfriend?" Harry asked, crossing his arms. Niall and him had disgusted faces on. I wonder why?

"Yes! Yes he is. Connor, meet the boys. Boys, meet Connor. The boys are in this hippy joint called One Detection!" I joked, which lead the boys to stiffen up. "What? It was a joke. Unless you are in the hippy club. That would be so cool! I wanna join! Can we Connor?" I asked a confused looking Connor.

"Uh... sure?" He said, unsure of why I told the boys we were dating. I would have to tell him later. Even though he was confused, he slung an arm around my shoulder.

"So, Jules, wanna come over? The girls left, and we're kinda sick of each other." Louis asked. All the other boys nodded in agreement.

"Sure! Let's-a go, Mario!" I yelled, happy that I could take my mind off things for a little while. Connor kissed my temple for affect, I smiled up at him and said goodbye. I hopped over to the car, skipping to the passenger seat. All of a sudden, I was attacked by two not-so-large teenage beings.

"Youith shall notith take shotgun!" Louis screamed from on top of me. I turned my head to the side to see a Louis and a Zayn on top of me.

"Ew, get these vain creatures off my back. I could actually feel the awkwardness." I stated, quoting (kinda) Sam from iCarly. Apparently, they didn't appreciate my quote, because they just got up and helped me to my feet.

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