Finding Nemo... Wait, no, finding Jules.

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He fucking took my best friend-- sister in some ways-- kissed her, and let her walk away in the pouring rain to who-knows-where. If there was a jackass and worst friend award, he would win.

All of a sudden, Harry charges over to Liam and I and throws a punch to his gut, taking my place by holding him against the wall. "You shitting kissed my girl?" He roared, making me widen my eyes. Harry never yells. He's never like this, ever. 

"Well, technically she isn't yours ye--" 

"Shut up, Michael." He growled, still looking at Liam with disgust and anger written in his features. "You kissed Julia, without her permission, and what did she do?" He asked, seeming a little to calm about it. When Liam didn't answer, he slammed him against the wall. "What did she fucking do?" Whoops. spoke too soon I guess.

"S-she started crying about t-telling you, and then I said we didn't h-have too, but then she got all mad a-and stormed out of the car." Liam stuttered, making me face palm. Of course they had to tell Harry. He was her fucking date.

"Um, guys, sorry to interupt, but come look at the tele." Perrie called, making Harry grunt and drop Liam. We all walked over to the television to see E! news on.

"Just a half hour ago we saw hottie Liam Payne driving around with a mystery girl! But we didn't get to the interesting part yet. Our sorces are telling us that he kissed her, and she jumped out of the car just minutes after, going to an unidentified location!" 

"Well this sucks." Niall said, slouching down into the couch. The four boys, Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael sat next to him in the same position. I swear, someday he's going to quit this band to join theirs.

"Well, she could have gone to Connor's house." Zayn offered up, making all of us turn our heads.

"And why didn't you tell us this before?" Said exhausted Harry, running a hand through his hair.

"Well, it just came to me, I guess. I haven't exactly thought about it before, but now it makes sense I guess." He explained, making me jump up and grab Eleanor's hand, as well as the car keys, and move towards the door.

"Well, let's go and test this theory out before I lose my shit." I grumbled, making Eleanor rub her thumb against the back of my hand and smile reasurringly up at me. I swear I'm going to marry this girl one day.

We all walked into the crouded lift and pressed the lobby button, bringing us down to the first floor. "Shit, how did they find out about us being here?" Luke asked, seeing the thousands of fans outside the hotel doors.

"Um... I may or may not have tweeted about the good room service here?" Ashton admitted, making Perrie slap him up the side of his head.

"You goofball." She murmered, making all of us laugh.


After the very hectic journey through the jungle of directioners-- yeah, I call them that too, don't judge-- we were in the van and ready to go.

"Hurry up, man, it's ten minutes away!" Harry yelled at the driver for today, who just so happens to be Paul Higgins, our bodyguard. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. We're here anyways." He grumbled, making me look out the window. Sure enough, Connor's house was right outside. We all stumbled out of the van and ran up to his house, ringing the doorbell and knocking all at once.

"Shutup, Jules, I'm coming! Took you long enough, too!" He yelled from inside, making us all stop our knocks and rings and look at each other warily. He thought we were Julia. Oh, shit.

He opened the door and seemed... perplexed by the amount of us here. I mean, eleven people at your doorstep can seem quite intimedating I guess.  "Oh, uh, you guys! And other people I don't know... where's Julia?" He asked, looking around us trying to find her.

"Uh... we were going to ask you the same question." Niall responded, making Connor's face turn into confusion, but soon anger.

"Where the fuck did you put my best friend?" He growled, making us all take a step back.

"Explain, Liam." Harry gestured, pushing Liam in front of all of us.

"Well... I kind of kissed her... and then she got upset... and then she jumped out of the car and left?" He explained, making Connor go red. Uh oh, Liam's gonna get it.

"You kissed her... without her permission.... just like your other friend... and you knew how she would react because she came running to you when that happened." How did he know all this stuff? "And don't think that I don't know this stuff, she actually talked to me before you took her away." He explained, still with that growly tone.

"Basically..." Liam trailed off. That's when crap got serious.

"You fucking douche!" Connor screamed, making me back up. "You basically knew all of this was going to happen, but you did it anyways, and look where that's got us! She could be anywhere now! Hell, she has no idea how to survive by herself! Her dad's been controlling her all her life and now she's out somewhere, alone, probably being drugged or sold!" I just noticed the girl behind him, staring at him with her mouth wide open.

"Connor, dude, now you're the hulk." She chuckled, but it was obviously fake. She stepped up towards Liam until there noses were touching. She seemed pretty intimidating, if you ask me. "Now you better go find my fucking friend before I feed you to my Rottweiler and her puppies." She growled, making him gulp nervously and nod his head.

We better find Julia, and fucking soon before we go on tour. And before Liam gets eaten by a mother dog and her pups.



So you guys finally meet Nikko, huh? ARE YOU EXCITEDDDDD?????

I am. Tee hee. 




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