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As I departed from Harry, the rest of the three boys pulled me in for a huge hug, making me sigh in happiness.

"Whoa, who died?" I chuckled, trying to hug each boy separately.

"Well, oh I don't know, ALMOST YOU?!?!" Niall screamed, making me laugh hysterically.

"This... has happened... before!" I choked out between gasped of air and giggles. All the boys just stared at me in shock.

"This has happened before?" Harry asked, stepping up.

"Yeah! Me and the nurses at the hospital are like this." I said, intertwining my middle and index finger together. Niall ran up to me, almost hugging the life out of me.

"You poor, poor child!" He wailed, making me laugh harder.

"Calm down!" I yelled, backing him up off of me.

Harry pulled me into a hug, whispering into my ear. "Three... two... one..." I pulled back, confused, but all of a sudden Liam pulled me into a fireman carry into his arms.

"RAPE!!! RAPE!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL! THIS IS NOT SIMON COWELL! THIS IS NOT LOUIS, LIAM, AND ZAYN'S GIRLFRIENDS! RAPIST ALERT, RAPIST ALERT!!!!" All the boys just laughed at me, as Liam carried me upstairs... I've been living here for a month, and I didn't know there was an upstairs?!?! Wow, I'm unobservant...

As we reached the top of the stairs, there were door with signs with Game room, Theater, and Pool. Of course, he ran into the...

Pool room.

I screamed, laughing so hard. He threw me into the deep end, and I stayed underwater. You know, just to make them paranoid that I was dead or something.

Out of nowhere, there was a pair of strong and muscular arms around me. Please let it be Josh Hutcherson, please let it be Josh Hutcherson... Hey, don't judge, they had Simon Cowell, Ed Sheeran, and Logan Lerman here on the same day!

"I got her!" Liam yelled as we resurfaced the pool.  Shit, now I can't have a tour of Hutcherson town, featuring his di-- his eyes. His eyes are pretty. CUZ YOUR EYES, YOUR EYES, I COULD STARE IN THEM ALL DAY IF YOU'D LET ME--- okay I'll stop. I'm too funny sometimes, damn.

"Well, hurry up!" Harry yelled, and I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was pulling at his hair, frantic.

"I think she said something about not being able to swim!" Louis screeched, and I could here his footsteps running around the pool. Okay, where did he get that info from? I think he's gone mad...

"Shit, really?" Liam yelled, pulling himself and me up to the concrete floor. 

"Yes! Now Harry, do CPR before she dies and we would have to hide the body!"  Louis screamed. Well, I'm hurt.

"Where would we hide her body, Louis? The dumpster out back?" Niall yelled back. Okay, this hurts. They were discussing where to hide my not-so-dead body. I sat up, glaring at both of them. They didn't notice, but the other three did. I just stared at Louis and Niall as they discussed whether it should be the dumpster or just in a random person's room until they get back.

"I would chose the random person's room. More sanitary." I chimed in, making there heads turn towards me.

"W-what?" Niall stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"The random person's room, more sanitary. it would stink if I stunk while I was dead, wouldn't it Harold?" I asked the dumbfounded Harry sitting next to me.

"Um... yeah. More sanitary. Doesn't make the hotel get a bad health check up?" He chuckled nervously.

"I TOLD YOU, NIALL!!" Louis yelled, fist pumping. He immediately stopped when he saw the cold hard glare I was giving him.

"I don't really think it's nice to talk about hiding someone's body, especially when they're right next to you." I reasoned, tilting my head to the side. Liam, Zayn, and Harry snickered while Louis and Niall looked at the ground, embarassed. Well, they should be.


LOL. Didja guys like it? I liked writing it. It was fun. FUnny fun fun. I'm listening to 'Perfect song" By MIKA ft. Ariana Grande and I love it. I might just marry it. Lol I'm too much. I make myself laugh. Isn't that sad? Oh, well. I gots to go. But always remember.....

AND IIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOOOVE YOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU loljkiloveyoujknoreallyidoi'mtoomuchformyselfokayimweirdgoodbye.


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