A basket? Really, Connor?

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I was pacing around in the living room, goldfish in hand, trying to figure out what to tell my dad. I started hyperventilating, scared what he was going to do. It wouldn't end up like last time... would it?


I was fifteen, sneaking into the house at ten o'clock at night, because I was getting back from Nikki' s house late. I heard the shrieking of metal colliding, with the sound of my dad Singing.

Get a chainsaw, cut a bitch in two,

Fuck the bottom half, give the other one to you!

I've heard this song before. It was from YouTube, Troian Bellisario was playing an army woman who was abused, and the men sang it while they were doing it. I shivered at the thought; is that what my dad was preparing for?

My dad came out of the kitchen, sharpening a knife. Oh God, no.

"Now, Julia dearest, what we're you doing out so late?" He asked me in a sickly-sweet tone, his focus still fixed on the sharpening knife.

"M-me and Nikkita lost track of time, father." I stuttered, not wanting to say the wrong thing, which would lead me to blood.

"I see... Well, you know what happens when you skip curfew." He said, backing me into a corner. He threw the knife sharpener away, gazing at the knife itself fondly. "Isn't this an amazing knife, sweetheart? I've heard it could cut through pigs skin-- which, of course, would be you." He had an evil smirk on his face.

Right then, out of nowhere, I felt the cool tip of the knife glide across my neck, not drawing blood. Then, he impaled my upper thigh, twisting the knife around. I heard an unpleasant gurgling sound, coming from the wound. I whispered in pain, the nerves shooting through my whole entire body.



I just noticed everyone standing in the entrance of the living room, watching me pace with mad and shocked expressions plastered onto their faces. Louis was the first one to finally speak up.

"That... was... THE MOST AMAZING PRANK EVER!!! Jeez, Jules, never thought you had it in you!" He yelled, making my eyes go wide.

"P-please don't hurt me. I'll go home now. Just, don't hurt me." I shakily replied. I guess my flashback caused my now cautious tactic.

Harry lifted his arm, and I flinched. He slowly put it down, saying, "We could never hurt you. Why would we? Jules, what's wrong?" He started walking towards me, making me back up into a corner, shaking like crazy.

"P-please. I want to go. I need to go home, or else! My dad will--" I cute myself off, lifting my hand to my mouth.

"What will your dad do, Julia?" Asked Zayn, now approaching me and Harry with Perrie.

I widened my eyes. "Please, I didn't do anything, let me go!" I ran away from them, grabbing my skateboard and running towards the lift. I quickly pressed the lobby button, making the doors close at everyone's confused expressions.

I sighed an unhappy sigh. Well, happy birthday to me! Not. This was a horrid way on starting my birthday, and the boys and their girlfriends didn't even know that that was today! Right then, and idea popped into my head. I quickly pulled out my phone, texting Connor.

To: Connor McFarter

Hey. Can I crash at your's tonight? I am at my friends house and I don't want to happen when I was fifteen happen tonight. :/

I pressed send. I walked out into the lobby, everyone gaping at my bloody appearance. "What? You've never seen a bloody eighteen year old girl walk out of a penthouse? It could happen, ya know!" I screamed, making everyone look shocked. My phone vibrated in my hand, indicating a message from Connor.

From: Connor McFarter

Of course! Not like you're not gonna be staying hear until, oh, I don't know, College? ;)

I laughed at this. Touché my friend, touché. I rode over to his house, only about ten minutes away from the hotel and five away from my house. I knocked on the door, expecting Connor's mom or something. But nope, it was him, himself! His bright smile immediately dropped when he saw my condition.

"What happened? Was it your dad? Did he do this to you? I swear, I will kill that son of a bit--"

I put my hand over his mouth, laughing. "No, silly! This is fake blood. I played a prank on all of my friends!" His cheeks flushed, obviously embarrassed by his overprotective actions.

"Oh okay... anyways, happy birthday!" He yelled, picking me up and spinning me around in a tight hug. I hugged him back, not flinching away from his touch, because I've known him all my life. He kissed my cheek, setting me back down onto the porch. He looked down at his clothes.

"Ewww, Jules! You got fake blood on my shirt!" He complained, stretching his shirt out so he could see more.

"Aw, don't be a wuss. It comes out... I think." I winked at him, only to get a groan of frustration in response. I waltzed right into his house while he took off his shirt to go get another one. I poked his abs, making fun of him. Poke. "Hey Connor." Poke. "Hey Connor." Poke. "Hey Connor." Poke. "Hey Con--" I was cut of by one shirtless friend lifting me onto his shoulder, carrying me into his room. He sat me onto his bed, while looking for a shirt to wear.

I sat there, pouting. He threw on an Arizona shirt, walking over to me. "So, did you pack a bag?" He asked. I just glared at him. He chuckled, getting up to find something for me to wear. He brought back one of his plain t-shirts and some boxer shorts. "Here you go!" He said, plopping down onto his bed. I got up and changed into the clothes, while he put my bloody clothes into the washer.

"AHH!! Conner, get in here!" I screamed, for no apparent reason. He ran into his room where I was, holding a basket like a baseball bat.

"Who died?" He asked, completely serious.

"No one. I just wanted to see your reaction. Oh, and I'm sure a laundry basket can take care of a potential murderer, Connor. You are just to smart!" I said sarcastically. He chuckled, laying down on the floor. "Why are you laying on the floor?" I asked.

"Because you are sleeping on the bed." He said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, you are."






"HAHA I WIN!" I screeched.

"How about we just both sleep on the ground?" He asked.

"Hmm..." I thought, pondering for a moment. "Okay!" I yelled, rolling of the bed to fall on top of him.

"OWIE!!" He squealed like a girl. I chuckled, rolling to his side. I snuggled closer, nuzzling my face into his chest. "'Night, bestie." He whispered

"'Night, bestie." I replied, muffled by his chest. He kissed the top,of my head, and I fell into a dreamless sleep.



Okay, so I have to clear a few things up.

1. Connor and Julia aren't dating... maybe they will, maybe they won't, I don't know.

2. It is true that I'm going to start a new story. It's gonna be about One Direction, but I'm not sure which it should be. Should it be about adoption? Romance? Teachers? I don't know, comment what you think it should be about.

3. I'm not sure if Julia should date someone in 1D or not. What do you think? It's 50/50 for me, so just do whatever floats your boat.


P.S. I am really close to 100 reads. Can we do it? YES WE CAN!! Hehe... Nick Jr. Reference... I am so happy you all like this story, and I would really appreciate more comments on what you think if it! Thanks!!!

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