Drunk Harry

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I can't believe Harry would do something like that! The rest of us boys love her like a sister, while he's over there trying to suck her face off! I didn't exactly see the incident happen, no... but this is not just one of her pranks. Harry is not that good an actor, and trust me, he seemed really frustrated when he threw the punch to the wall.

After realizing that he just yelled at her and got... physical, I guess? Realization hit him like a tornado on what he just did.

"Oh... Julia... I'm sorry." He said, reaching out his hand. She flinched, staring wide-eyed at his hand like it was about to strangle her or something. She was shaking violently already, and Ed was rubbing calming circles into her arms and back.

"Harry... I think you should go into you're room, mate. She's terrified." Said Ed, trying to make her shaking stop.

"Yeah, Harry. Just, go into your room." Liam added, pointing down the hallway. Harry huffed, and walked down what I like to call now, the Walk Of Shame.

As soon as he left, Jules ran into Louis' arms. "I-I thought he liked me." She whispered, loud enough that we can all here it.

"Okay... I'm thouroughly confused..." Ed stated, standing there scratching the back of his neck.

"Well, come to the couch little friend, and we shall tell a story." Jules chuckled remoursley, walking over to the couch. "It all started at this very couch..."

After she finished telling her story, it felt kind of... off. Like, her and Lou definitley didn't talk about soccer in the soundproof room. And the story of how before Harry and her kissed, they were watching Love Actually? Pfft, yeah right.

"Jules... I think you should tell them the truth on what we were talking about... Louis sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"B-but... I... guess soo..." She hesitated, then layed down on the carpet on her back. Wait, what?




As Jules layed on the floor, I was really confused. Why was she laying on the floor, when she was supposed to tell us what they were talking about?

Once she lifted up her shirt, I quickly shut down my thoughts. There, on her stomach, was her bruise from yesterday, it has just turned an ugly black-brown-blue-purple. Louis started whimpering, Niall was rubbing his face with his hands, Ed stared at it shocked, as well as Zayn, and I'm guessing my eyes were bulging out of my sockets.

"Jules... what happened? I asked, kneeling besides her.

"It was funny, how I used this for my prank yesterday, but this was really hurting like fuck." She explained, chuckling dryly.

"Tell them... how you got it." Louis whispered. At this point, everyone was kneeling around her, Niall and Ed stroking her soft, dark brown hair.

"Well..." She gulped, hesitantly. "I... my dad..." She whispered the last part, so no one but me could here it.

I stood up, fuming. "What?" I asked in a fatherly tone.

"H-he did this to me, as well as these..." She pulled up her jeans, where there were bruises and scars sprinkled everywhere. then, all of a sudden, she pulled up one of her jean rips on her mid-thigh, showing a deep red scar with faint red all around it.

"Wait, he? Is that the Connor dude? Because if it was I'll go and rip that pretty boy smirk right of his--"

Niall was cut of by Jules. "NO!!! Not him, he's one of the only ones that knew about it! It's my dad." She stated, her voice going soft at the end of her talking, but I'm pretty sure everyone heard it.

Louis started full on crying, and Jules got up and sat next to him. "Sh, it's okay, you didn't know.." She comforted him, making him smile at her sadly and drape her arms around her. I think that they would make a great couple, but they just like each other as a brother and a sister. Oh, well...

My thoughts were cut off by Harry storming into the room, drunk. "Since when did you have alchohol in your room, Harry?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Get 'way from me." He slurred, walking over to Jules. "D-do you love him, more than me?" Harry asked, pointing to Louis, slurring every word together like it was his job.

"Harry, go away. You're drunk." Jules said, having confidence she didn't have before.

"B-but we're meant to be!" Harry whimpered, swaying. Jules got up from her hug with Louis and wrapped her arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Harry, let's go. You can lie down, and drink some water, okay?" She talked to Harry, as if he were a baby.

"B-but I looove you!" He wailed, wrapping his arms around her. She chuckled, untangling his arms from around herself.

"I love you, too, Harold." She said, chuckling. "Now, let's go into your room and tuck you in, okay?"

"Okay!" He exclaimed, obviously very happy that he got Jules to say that she loved him.




Me and Harry sauntered into the room, away from the laughing boys after Harry's fit. "What are all the boys laughing?" Harry asked.

"Umm..." I thought for a moment, not sure what to say. "They saw unicorns! Yeah, and the unicorns did an Irish jig with Niall, and dyed Zayn' s hair pink, and sang a song with Ed!" I explained to the drunken boy.

"Oh... hehe... I like Zayn' s hair pinky." He laughed, causing me to laugh with him. I think I'm staring to forgive him...

"Okay, well, let me go get you some water I said, walking out into the kitchen and getting him a glass. I walked out into the living room to find Harry poking Zayn' s quiff.

"Owie!!! The pink hair is pointy!" He screamed, sucking on his index finger (A.N. OMG that sounds so wrong! XD).

"Yes, Harry, yes it is. Now, let's get you to your room and go to sleep, okay?" I asked him.

"Okay, Julesly wusely!" He yelled, staggering over to me.He flung his arm around my shoulders, his breath smelling lightly of alcohol. We walked-- well, I walked, and dragged him along with me-- into his room. I layed him down on his bed, about to walk way, but he grabbed my arm. "D-do you reeeaally love mee?" He asked, slurring his words again.

"Yes, Harry." I said, chuckling. I deliberated for a moment, and pecked his lips. Our lips felt... right together. "Sweet dreams Harry." I whispered, and walked out of the room, leaving a happy Harry to go to sleep.


OMG, she's starting to forgive him! How do you feel about that? And what about Liam's comment about Louis and Julia looking like a couple? Hmmm... Well, comment, fan, follow, whatever you ratchet bitches like. Lol, got that from my friend @AshyStyles16! You should read her books, they're aMAEVEing!!! Hehe. My name. Hehe. :]

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