Chapter 17 Like Old Times

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I woke up from my weird dream, I looked at the clock and saw it was 5 in the morning, I got up and took my blanket and climbed down the stairs, I curled up on the couch and set a fire in the fire place and hen conjured paper and a quill and started to write to Aiden.

Seamus’ POV

I got up and walked down to the common room, I looked over to the couch and saw a sleeping Emily with a letter lying next to her. I picked up the letter and started t read, I knew it was an invasion of privacy but curiosity got me. 

“Dear Aiden

I miss you so much; I wish the summer was longer so I could have spent more time with you. Everyone is doing well, everyone told me to tell you hello, I can’t wait for the summer so I can see you and your parents, Mark and everyone else. Well my love I should go, we are going to hogsmead and I want to send this letter to you before I go. I love you so much.

Love Emily”

I hate to admit it but when I read this letter there was a pain in my heart, I do love Emily but I can see it clearly that she loves Aiden. I folded the letter and put it in an envelope and put it back where it was.

“Emily” I said waking her up


“It time to get up” I said

“No” he whined

“Want a piggy back ride up the stairs?”

She nodded her head and held up her arms, I scooped her up and climbed the stairs, I put her in front of her door and then walked into my dorm and took a shower.

Emily’s POV

I got dressed in long pants a sweater yes one of Aiden’s, a scarf that Mrs. Weasely made, along with matching cloves and a warm coat on top. I walked down to the common room with Hermione and we waited for Harry and Ron. We walked out of the castle and down to Hogsmead, the cold wind hi my face making me shiver.

“I don’t sleep with the book” Harry said

“Yes you do I walked into the boys door once and I saw you passed out  with the book on your chest” I said

“What were you doing in are dorms any way?” Harry asked

“I had to talk to Dean is that okay with you”

“Fine I might sleep with it is sometimes but I’m not obsessed with it”

“Whatever helps you sleep at night”

“Well I went-“

“To the library” Harry, Ron and I said at the same time

“And nothing on the half-blood prince” Hermione

We walked into the 3 broom sticks and we sat down, Ron looked around and saw Ginny and Dean snogging. “I want to leave”

“No we just got here” I said Slughorn walked over to are table

“Harry my boy it’s good to see you, look I’m throwing a little get together for the holidays are you game?”

“It would be an honor sir” Harry said

“You are welcome too Granger and O’Brian”

“Thank you sir” I said

“Good to see you Wallembee” he said to Ron

“Well I have to go I’ll meet up with you later” I said and walked to Honeydukes. I walked in and the smell of sweets filled my nose and the warmth made my body relax.

“Hey” an Irish accent said

“Hi” I said back

“Dean can’t make it he’s with Ginny”

“That’s okay; it will be like old times.” I said and smiled at him

“So what are you doing for Christmas?” he asked

“I don’t know, I hope to stay with Aiden, but if not I guess with the Weaselys”

“Well you are always welcome to stay with me as well” he said

“That is so sweet, thank you” I said giving him a hug.

We walked around the store looking at some things and I grabbed some Bertie Botts every flavor beans.  I went to go pay for them when they were taken out of my hand and put them on the counter.

“Will that be all love?” the women asked

“Yes” Seamus said giving her the money

“Thanks Seamus”

We walked out of the door, and down the street past other stores.  We walked down a little further until we stood in front of a store that had thing for everything Seamus and I split up and I walked into the back; I looked around until I came across a silver ring.

“See something you like” a kind women said

“Yes that ring” I said pointing to it “I was wondering if you could engrave the letters A.L.S into it”

“Of course” she said and waves her wont over it “Her you go dear” she said handing me the ring wrapped up.  I gave her the money and found Seamus.

“Find something?”

“Yeah, a silver ring and I had his initials engraved on it.”

After we left the shop we walked around for a little then went and got hot chocolate and made are way back to the castle.


I was sitting in the great hall eating bacon and eggs with Seamus and Dean. It was the day of the qudditch match; I was wearing my Gryffindor sweater, hat and scarf. We all walked down o the pitch climbed the stairs and got are seats. Gryffindor won of course when we got back to the common room we were cheering Rom on and hen out of know where Lavender Brown snogs Ron in front of everyone. I saw Hermione make her way to the door and followed by Harry, I pushed thru the crowd and follow after Hermione and Harry but I lost them. I started to search when I heard something that sounded like crying I turned the corner and I saw a familiar platinum blonde.

“Draco…are you okay?” I asked putting my hand on his shoulder

“Don’t touch me” he snapped

“Look Draco you might not think I know how you feel but I do”

“Oh is that right, shut up and leave me alone” he said

“You are not alone Draco, my parents are death eaters too” I put my hand on this shoulder “You are not alone” I whispered I was about to pull my hand away when I felt a cold one hold mine “Thank you” he whispered “Please don’t think badly of me, I just want to stay alive, and we all have to do are part in this war.” He said

“I understand and I won’t tell anyone of this not even Harry” I say and walk away

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