Chapter 3 Don't Underestimate Me

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When I got to my common room and up to my bed a letter was there from Aiden.

Dearest Emily

I’m happy you are back at school safe. Ignore whatever Seamus said. Tell Harry that Krum and I believe him and we have his back if he ever needs us. School is the same here nothing big to report just a lot of studying. Krum says to tell you Hello. I have decided to try out for the Quidditch team here, might as well have some fun for my last year. You should try out for your team. Well my love I must go can’t wait for your next letter.


That night I walked with Harry for a detention, when we walked into Umbridge’s room it was covered in pink and kittens it made me want to throw up.

“You both will be doing lines for me with a special quill of mine, Mister Potter you will be writing” I must not tell lies” and for you Miss O’Brian you will be writing “I will not support liars” she said I rolled my eyes sat down and began to write. After wiring five lines I started to feel a sharp pain in my left hand, I looked at is and in my own hand writing appeared “I will not support liars” I kept writing like nothing was happening because I didn’t want to give old toad face the satisfaction even when the pain was unbearable. At the end of the detention Harry and I walked back to the common room. I looked at Harry’s hand and the same thing happened to him. “Harry”

“Yeah Em?”

“Aiden wanted me to tell you that he and Krum have your back and if there is anything they can do let them know okay” I said with a smile

“Thank you Emily, tell Aiden I said thank you” Harry said

“I will” I said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and walked into the common room.

I went up to my room and wrote Aiden back 

Dear Aiden

I think it would be great for you to try out for quidditch, I might do the same. Harry wanted me to tell you Thank you for having his back. School is okay here except for are horrible teacher who I just had detention with she made Harry and I do lines and when we were writing on the paper it also appeared on our hands, I didn’t tell anyone because I don’t want to show her the satisfaction. I have ignored Seamus, not going to even bother. Tell Krum I said Hello back. Can’t wait for your next letter love you babe

                                           Emily xxoo

 After Writing Aiden I went down to the common room and walked over to the twins who were holding Skiving  Snackbox’s.

“And what are you doing with those?” I asked raising my eyebrow

“Going to test then on the first years” George said

“Want to help?” asked Fred

“Hm…Hell yeah”

I handed a first year boy a Puking Pastille he bit one end of if, after that one bite he got pail and had a greenish tint to his skin too. Fred came over and handed him a cauldron and the boy puked in it. I handed him the other piece “No I can’t eat that I’ll puke again” he said “trust me; It will make you feel better.” The boy took the other half and his color came back and he felt much better. I walked over to another boy and handed him a Fever Fudge and I felt him forehead it was really hot. I t was amazing the Skiving Snackbox’s work. Then I had a mean idea but he had this coming to him. “Hey George, watch this.” I said with an evil smirk on my face. “Hey Dean want a piece of candy?” I handed him a regular piece of candy from Honey Dukes and then “Seamus do want one too?”

“Sure, does this mean you are not made at me anymore?”

“You are getting there” I said with a grin. I hand him a Puking Pastille and walked over to Fred and George. “Hand me that cauldron I said

“I don’t feel so good.” Seamus said holding his stomach. I walk over to him and hand him the cauldron.

“You’re going to need his.” I stepped back over to Fred and George and then Seamus puked into the cauldron. “Pay backs a bitch Finnigan isn’t “I said laughing.

Seamus looked up at me and started to walk towards me but he stopped and puked all over Padma Patil’s lap. I was laughing so hard I fell on the floor gasping for air. After I was done laughing I handed Seamus the antidote and he stopped. “Understand this never underestimate me.” With that I walked over to Harry and sat down. “How’s your hand?”

“It hurts but whatever”

“Yeah, I guess.”

After I tortured Seamus I went up to my room I put on sweat pants, tank top and a little jacket over the tank top and went to send the letter to Aiden and then went to bed.

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