Chapter 4 Tosspot

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The next day after class we all gathered in the court yard, I saw Professor Trelawney standing there with her stuff. Unbridge just stood there with a satisfied look on her face.

“Sixteen…sixteen years I have been here, you…you can’t do this”

“Actually I can” Umbridge said

“Hogwarts is my home.” She said crying. Professor Macganagall ran over to her and pulled her in her arms.

“Something you want to say?”

“There are many things I would like to say. Magonagall said

The doors opened and Dumbledore walked through “Professor Macgonagall will you please escort Sybill back inside” he said “You can dismiss my teachers but you have no right to banish them from the grounds.”

“For now.” Umbrige said with a smug look on her toad like face.

We walked back to are Common room.  I sat on the couch while Hermione passed the room.

“Harry” we heard, I looked into the fire place to see Sirius.

“What’s Umbridge doing, teaching how to kill half breads?”

“She’s not letting us use magic” Harry said

“The Minister is afraid that you will be triand in Combat, “

“Like what some wizard army?” Ron said

“Yes, look Voldemort is on the move and Fudge will do anything to hide it.”

“But it is the truth” I said

“Someone is coming, it looks like you are on your own, I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help” he said and then he was gone.

“We need someone to teach us how to defend ourselves” Hermione said looking at Harry.

“Well first we need to get the message out and to only people we can trust, and then a place where can have the meeting and in private.” I said

“Don’t worry I will get the message out and I was thinking we could have the meeting at the Hog’s Head.”

We were walking in Hogsmeade to have the meeting at the Hogs head; it was so cold I shivered even with layers of cloths on.

“This is mad who wants me be taught by me I’m a nutter remember.”

“Well you are better than old toad face” Ron said

We walked into an old dreary place. We walked in to see about 25-30 people mix of Gryffindor’s, Hufflepuff’s, and Revenclaw’s.

“Hi” Hermione said a little nervous. “You know why we are here we need a proper teacher do help us defend ourselves.”

“Why?” Zachariah Smith asked asked

“Because You-Know-Who’s back you Toss pot.” Ron said

“Because he says”

“Because Dumbledore said” Hermione said

“Dumbledore said because he says, where’s the proof?” Zachariah said

“Look I’m not talking about Cedric so if that’s why you are here you better clear out now.” Harry said getting up out of his seat. “Look yes I did a lot in the past years but I’ve always had help. What we will be up against it’s not like school, in school if you fail the first time you can always try again, but in the real world if you are seconds away from being murdered or watching a friend, or loved one die…you don’t know what that is like.”  Harry said sadly

“That is why we are asking you for your help, to teach us,” I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder “We have faith in you Harry that is why we are here. We are here to take back are freedom from Voldemort.” I said

“Now who is with us,” Hemione said

We got a paper and had everyone sign it; Mione put a charm on it so if anyone spilled about the DA we would know.

The day after my third class I had a free period and I would take this time and try and find a place where the DA could practice.  

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