Chapter 9 The Big Fight

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We woke up the next morning, this was the day Aiden goes back to school and so do we. Molly made us breakfast and then we walked up to his room and got his trunk and stood in front of the fire place. Aiden said good bye to Molly and asked her to say good bye to Arthur for him. Fred and George gave him a skiving snack box and Ginny and Hermione gave him a hug good bye, Ron held out his hand and so did Harry.

“Harry if you ever need anything please let me know okay mate.” He said shaking Harry’s hand, “And take care of my girl for me.” He said with a smile.

“Thank you Aiden and will do” Harry said and shook Aiden’s hand

“Okay everyone back to you knitting” Fred said

“I’m going to miss you” I said with tears in my eye

“Baby please don’t cry, we will see each other before you know it” He said and pulled me into a hug. “I Love you” he whispered and leaned down and gave me a kiss and I kissed him back

“I Love you too” I said and then he stepped into the fire place and threw down the flu powder and said

“Durmstrang” I watched at Green flames appeared and then he was gone. Harry came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders, I took his hand in mine. “You’ll see him before you know it” Harry said I gave him a hug and then walked up to my room, I laid on my bed and cried, then I remember the Mirror I took it out and looked into it and saw him smiling at me and waving he did the same. I blew him a kiss than put the mirror away and finished packing, when I was putting away my cloths I found one of Aiden’s sweat shirts; I put it on and brought my trunk down stairs. We drove to Kings cross and then got on the train, the way back to school I looked out the window and listened to music. Harry threw a Bertie Bott’s every flavor bean at me. “Are you doing okay?”

“Huh yeah, just tired.”

“Missing Aiden?” Harry asked


We got to the school and we spent the rest of the night in the common room catching up with are friends. The next morning I got dressed for the day in my shirt, white button up shirt, tie and cloak and walked down to potions. The day went by slow, and I couldn’t wait to go up to the common room and look at the mirror. Hermione ran up to me and pulled me along with her, “Where are we going?”

“Hagrid is back.” She said, we ran after and Harry and raced down the hill to see Hagrid. That night I laid in bed looking at Aiden, I smiled at him and waved good night.

I walked down to breakfast with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Persephone dropped the Daily Prophet into my hands and flew away, I looked at it and it said Sirius’s cousin Bellatrix Lestrange broke out of Azkaban prison. “Fudge is going to get us all killed because he can’t face the truth” Hermione said.

“Harry” Seamus said quietly “I want to apologize; even me mum said the Prophet’s isn’t right, but what I’m really trying to say is that I believe you.” Seamus said with a sorrowful look. Harry held out his hand and Seamus shook it. I ran over to his and pulled him into a hug. “So you forgive me too Emily?” he asked. “If Harry can so can I” I said hugging him again. That night we went to are DA meeting, I looked over at Neville who was looking even sadder than he usually does, I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

We were practicing are Patronus charm; I stood with Seamus and Dean. I held out my wand and thought of the night with Aiden of The Yule Ball are first dance. “Expecto Patronum.” And a big lion came from out of my wand and it roared and ran around the room. The lights started to flicker and he chandelier shook, we looked at the wall and the mirror shattered then it exploded. “Get them” Umbridge said. While I was being carried out I kicked Draco in the shin. We were all put into the great hall and were forced to right lines that cute into are hands. As I was writing I could hear gasps from other’s because of the pain in their hands. I walked to the girl’s bathroom and ran cold water over my hand. I walked to the common room and sat down between Fred and George. “We have to do something about old toad face” Ron said. “Yeah but what” I said

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